11 - Hierarchy

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I jumped when I heard the doorbell ringing and realised that I had passed out. Cursing myself I ran to the door to let Jessica in.

"Hey sorry... I passed out on the table. I'm sorry. Here let me help!" I said as I grabbed the bags of food and hurried to the table.

"It's fine Nyxxie. I wanna hurry up and get this over with and hope it makes you rethink any and all involvement you wanna have with any MC. They're not what you may think. The 1&ers are ruthless and will not hesitate to take anyone out if they prove to be too nosey."

I sighed and looked up at her as she sat everything else down on the table.

"I just want to know more about them. Maybe they have information on how my parents died and if my brother's death really was an accident or not..."

Our eyes locked and she scowled at me before coming to stand directly in front of me.

"Nyx you need to listen and listen well. If you keep digging like this and trying to be buddies with these gangs and outlaws you'll be digging your own grave. Your parents and brother would want you to focus on your life. Let the past die with them and start new. If you don't... I can't protect you. That detective can't protect you. No one can or will protect if you keep up this, this, Suicide mission."

She threw her arms up and huffed before placing her hands on her hips. I looked down at my feet and forced back the tears.

"Jessica... You still have your family. They weren't ripped from you during the time you needed them the most. You chose to be a part of the MC as a way to rebel against your strict religious mother and her husband. I'm not expecting anyone to protect me, but I AM going to get answers on what happened that night and if it kills me then so be it. As long as I have been alive without them it has been my mission to find the truth."

When I looked up at her my eyes filled with anger and passion. This was my mission and my mission alone and I would complete it even if it did mean my life would end.

Her eyes softened and she sighed before shaking her head at me, running her hand through her long hair.

"Nyxxie... I'm sorry, but I joined the MC for a far different reason than you think." She started to empty the bags that contained our dinner and handed me a bottle of Mikes Hard Lemonade before plopping down in a chair at the table.

"I guess if you're that dedicated to knowing about MCs lets get this shit going. Ask me anything or would you rather I just start with how the Hierarchy works? Balls in your court."

She opened a styrofoam container and grabbed a plastic fork, the smell of chowmein hit my nostrils and made my mouth water as I plopped down into the chair next to her grabbing for my own container filled with Teriyaki Chicken and Fried Rice.

Shoving a piece of chicken into my mouth and nodded, "Let's just start with the hierarchy then. I'd like to know how that works." I waved my hand to her for her to go ahead and she grimaced.

Jessica swallowed and popped the top off of her own Mikes Hard Lemonade, downing about half of it before she started.

"Well to start there's usually a founder - the man or sometimes woman that creates the club. Beneath them is the President. There are MCs where the Founder is called the President. Basically, the President sets all of the policies and rules of the entire club. They're the big boss and everyone follows him."

She looked at me, her eyes glossed over as she continued probably reminiscing about the past and her old membership.

"Beneath him is the Vice President. He's the one that supervises plans for club events and coordinates the committees. He also relays information between the President and the Members of the chapter. Any questions, comments or concerns of other committee members are brought to the Vice-President's attention. I.E. If anyone has any issues or needs help or anything, they go to him."

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