19 - Groceries

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I sat in the driver's seat up at the viewpoint just looking out at everything. Thinking back to times of the past I closed my eyes and let the tears fall softly. I didn't have much time before I had to go to the store to get what I needed.

I closed my eyes, forcing myself to take a deep breath and be stronger than what I wanted to be. I couldn't be weak. Not when there was someone or maybe even multiple people that wanted to hurt me, to kill me, to make me miserable.

I turned on my car and headed to the store. I refused to let my mind wander anywhere that wasn't the road and my destination.

Traffic wasn't bad and people were relatively in a rush so thankfully it didn't take me any time at all to reach the store. I pulled into a spot, killed the engine and grabbed my side bag and headed inside.

It wasn't terribly busy, people walked with a purpose grabbing what they needed. I grabbed a cart, put my bag in the front and made my rounds.

I didn't need much - I liked to shop once a week for the upcoming week. It saved me time and money in the long run.

Once I was satisfied with what I had in my cart I proceeded to check out and head back to my car. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Rip letting him know that I had made it and was already done and about to load up and head back.

I hurriedly put the groceries in the trunk and headed home. He'd responded quickly telling me to stay safe and to call him when I was back seeing as he wasn't there. Apparently he needed to take care of some club business and wouldn't be back until later tonight.

Once I arrived home I unloaded everything, put it away and flipped on my TV switching to Netflix. I switched through the different options I had and decided on watching the notorious 'Tiger King'.

I flopped onto the couch and laid down letting Joe Exotics annoying voice fill my living room. I yawned, stretching out to deepen the comfort of laying here and soon I found myself drifting off to sleep.

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