34 - The Reunion

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"You really should call the cops. They need to know what happened." Sarahlynn, the minit mart said as she helped me to the closed off breakroom. I laughed dryly.

"The last time I went to the cops they put several bullets in him and left him to die while he screamed for me. So no, I can't just go to the cops. Besides, after the state I left their place, they'll need a few weeks to regroup. Regardless I can't say much more than that. If you value your life I'd suggest that you keep your mouth shut and pretend like you haven't seen me and get rid of the bloody bandages you have in your waste bin." I looked up at her, letting her see the anger, the rage, the pure hatred that I was feeling for those bastards. My dearest 'betrothed' as well.

She sighed and shook her head, "Girl I hope you get outta this mess." was all she muttered under her breath before leaving and locking the door behind her.

I looked down at my wrists that were now covered with fresh clean bandages and took in a deep shaky. I closed my eyes and put my head into my hands and sobbed quietly. Grief ricocheted through my body as I thought back to Keith.

He had been there for me through so many things and although he wasn't able to get me out of foster care to live with him, he had taken my side and gotten me into better homes for as long as he could. He put up with my rebellious teenage bullshit, helped to teach me to be self sufficient, helped me to get a job within the department, helped me buy my first home... he was always there.

But he was gone now. He was gone just like my mother, father and older brother. I had come face to face with the culprits and instead of doing everything I could to kill them right then and there, I felt attracted to that smug bastard. I felt fucking attracted.

Guilt, shame, and disgust came slamming into me as if I had just hit a brick wall. I was so guilty, so disgusted with myself for letting myself feel that way towards my family's murderer.

I kept my head in my hands, that bastard's face flashing in my mind repeatedly. It was as if he was taunting me from within myself. As if he knew that I was attracted to him.

I thought back to Keith and his final moments of conscious life. He had screamed out for me in those moments, wanting to make sure that I was okay no doubt. My mind ran through all of the memories that I had of him as if I was watching a movie of my life.

I laughed softly remembering some of the most silly moments we had. The first time he ever took me and my friend Erica to his cabin on the lake, he had taught us both how to swim by throwing us overboard one at a time and then diving in to make sure we didn't drown.

That day was filled with so much laughter... It was the first time in a long time that I had felt like a normal teenager.

Keith had done everything in his power to help me have and live a semi-normal life. He had gone above and beyond the call of duty to make sure that I was well taken care of. He had been there for every birthday, every holiday, and had even gone with me to every single father daughter dance that my highschool held.

He truly was an amazing man and now I had to face his family. I had to be the one to carry the weight of his death on my shoulders for the rest of my life because had he never met me, he'd still be alive today.

As I was busy wallowing in my self pity the door to the breakroom burst open and Rip rushed to my side.

"Baby I'm here. I'm here." He pulled me into his arms and peppered the top of my head with kisses.

"Thank you for coming to me." I mumbled into his chest inhaling his scent as deeply as I could. He let his hands slide down my arms slowly but pulled away immediately when I hissed from pain as he made contact with my wrists.

He looked down at me and frowned, "Are you okay Nyx?" He asked me sternly. I shook my head and held out my bandaged wrists for him to see.

"I had to escape and the only way to do so was to break free from my shackles. My ankle ones were the easiest because they were older than the ones used to restrain my wrists. I was locked in a cell that was in what looked like a dungeon. I... I met the man who killed my parents and... he's supposedly my betrothed. We have to get out of here though. I want to be back home with you and the guys so they can hear the rest." I looked up into Rips eyes.

He nodded and I watched as his eyes darkened with rage, making them look completely black. I looked away from him, I couldn't bear to look into those darkened eyes. I just wanted to be home in his arms.

"Rip we need to hurry. I'm sure that they're already out there looking for her." Asher's voice pierced through the tension in the room, making Rip stand up and pull me with him. He nodded at Asher before looking down at me.

"Let's get you home and then you can tell us all what happened and describe what that bastard looked like."

I simply nodded. Without another word, I was being whisked away to Rips bike and then we were off.

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