We had all headed back for the manor, Damien had given me my riding jacket finally to hide my gun that was quite obvious. I threw it over my shoulders as Justin wrapped his arm around my shoulders walking me back inside. For this to work I had to get Roman distracted enough to be vulnerable. Although I figured it was more for me to be able to get my revenge. Justin didn't want his own father's blood on his hands as he had said. He knew he wouldn't be able to pull the trigger himself. I gladly accepted though Damien was less than thrilled. He didn't want me anywhere near Roman and I understood why. I just had to pretend to be a good obedient woman.
Justin pulled me along back into the manor, Damien and the rest of them had gone to find Justin's men to get suited up to breath through the large windows in the study the moment I gave the signal. I looked up at him, his face was blank and his eyes held no emotion as we sauntered around heading back to the study. I turned my gaze away from his face as I heard Rosette - who I had learned was the redhead - screaming at Roman.
"What does she have that I don't have Roman?!" She screeched, my face scrunched up in distaste realizing this woman was jealous of me. I heard Roman groan in frustration as something broke as it hit the wall with a thud.
"Rosette I don't know what more I can do or say for you to realize I am not nor have I ever been interested in anything from you that was more than sex. You were a means to an end. A bed warmer. That's it! Nothing more!" He seethed. Justin tensed and removed his arm from around my shoulders and took a threatening step forwards before I stopped him with my hand on his arm and shook my head, holding up one finger before placing it to my lips and winking.
If I was supposed to be obedient and agree to this I had to play the part and it would do no good for Justin to go in guns ablazing to save Rosette from her obsession with Roman. I strutted into the room, brushing past Rosette ignoring her death glare as she panted heavily from her screaming. I walked right up to Roman, roughly grabbing onto his neck before crashing his lips into mine and forcing my tongue between his lips to assault his. I heard a shocked gasp and then a slew of curses before I heard something heavy being picked up, probably being readied to throw at me.
I pulled away licking my lips looking up at Roman before winking at him and turning my attention to Rosette, "What do I have that you don't? Well my dear let's take a look at the list shall we? For starters the Goddess herself has chosen me to grant immortality. I am her vessel and I hadn't understood that until Justin and Jake helped me to see my purpose. The next thing on the list is that I am far more experienced in what a man like Roman craves while being in bed with a woman and you my dear were only a sub anyways. A woman used merely to keep my place warm until I was able to return to my loves side." I smiled coyly at her before waltzing over to her and placing a gentle hand on her face leaning in close to her, keeping her face in place so she could see my eyes.
"I mean look at you. You've fallen in love with a man that you could never hope to have. So let me make myself as clear as I can possibly be Rosette." I growled, letting fake hatred seep into my voice as I let my hand slide to be on her neck where I squeezed it, not enough to cut oxygen flow but enough to have her know that I meant business, "If I ever see you near Roman ever again I will be sure to scar that beautiful face of yours so no one would ever dare to entertain you. The Goddess herself is displeased with your hopeless attempts to slip your way into immortality. Silly little girl! If she wanted you to be immortal she would have done it by now." I shoved her with little effort, watching her fall to the floor as I scowled at her, "You're dismissed. Just looking at you makes me sick." I muttered as I turned on my heels to look over at Roman who was staring at me, shock, amusement and lust obvious on his face.
I smiled softly at him, "I am sorry for being difficult my love. I hadn't understood what had to be done until I had the chance to speak to the Goddess herself. Justin showed me to the shrine and allowed me to speak with her privately. She showed me that everything you and Jake had said was the truth. Is there any way you can forgive my unfaithfulness?" I asked in mock sorrow as I pleaded with him.
I heard sniffles from me before the door slammed shut as sobs seeped through Rosette. The sobs faded as she ran fast away from the study. I couldn't blame her. What I had done left me feeling cold and sick and guilty. The poor woman had gotten her heart ripped out of her chest and stomped on by this bastard and I hadn't helped what-so-ever.
Roman licked his lips and beckoned me over to him which I did without hesitation. His hands found my ass immediately as he looked at me, "My love I could never hold a grudge against you. I am shocked however, because I was certain you'd be harder to have come around to this." He said huskily as he leaned down and placed a kiss onto my neck. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, before leaning up to whisper into his ear.
"With the way you make me feel it wouldn't have taken me ong to submit to you Roman. The way your voice sends shivers down to my core making me so fucking wet, yearning for you to fuck me hard, to dominate me." I nibbled his ear, and gasped as he lifted me and practically threw me onto his desk. Before he even had a moment to register what was about to happen I grabbed him and pulled him as hard into me as I could, laying back onto his desk my hands grabbing fistfuls of his hair as I made the signal quickly to the window directly behind me hoping that this encounter would end quickly.

Devils Rebels (MC)
General FictionI admit it, I was stupid to think that me of all people would be an ordinary woman. Nope. I've lived through tremendous abuse from being in foster care after my parents were both murdered within 3 months of each other and then the sudden death of my...