28 - What Now?

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I stood there re-reading her note glancing back and forth from it and the open window, my hands clenching and unclenching at my side as rage began to swallow me whole.

She left. She left to go and finish this on her own and she was in danger. She'd surely be killed and if not killed then beaten, raped, offered up as a sacrifice, the list goes on of the grotesque possibilities.

She didn't want me or my men hurt. She wanted to keep us safe and this was her version of it that played out in her head.

To offer herself up as a fucking lamb follwoing the sheperd to the slaugher.

What could I have done differently to help her see that this was not the way that she needed to do this? Was there anything that I could have done?

I ripped the note off of the wall and headed into the living room seething. My men were still asleep and it pissed me off. Zipper was supposed to keep watch, trading off with one another to make sure this very fucking thing didn't happen.

I slammed my hands as hard as I could onto the table, slamming the note down onto it in the process.

The noise caused everyone to shoot up to take in what was going on around them. I looked at each and every one of them before holding up the piece of paper that had managed to rip my heart out of my chest and shred it to bits.

"Anyone care to fucking explain to me how in the fuck she was able to get out of here unnoticed!? She needs our help and you all pass the fuck out and let her slip out to go waltzing to her fucking death!?" My voice was filled with venom as I turned my heated gaze to Zipper.

He glared right back, "It was late and we all needed sleep. You can't fault us for that. Who's to say that this won't work out for the better? I mean she's what they want right? Boom, our problems are solved. She's gone to be with them and now we can get our shit together before the New York chapter gets in." He shrugged.

I placed the note onto the table and walked right up to him and punched him as hard as I could sending him to the ground clutching his jaw.

I crouched down and grabbed his collar pulling his face close to my, "If you can't see how this affects us all and how much she means to me then you can take your cut off and get the fuck out of here and don't come back. Last I fucking checked I was the President and Founder of this fucking Club. Either you follow my orders or you're done. Got me!?"

Zipper smacked my hand away from his collar and stood up, "That girl will be the fucking death of us all! Stop thinking with your fucking dick and realize we can't fucking help her! Jay will even tell you the fucking same! You know which cult wants her don't you? She's fucking wanted by the Order of Ilucruqir! Her description of the bastard that got in here to her is the exact match to those within the Order. We have no fucking chance in hell of getting her out safely with us in one piece."

I punched him again, "I don't give a fuck in Satan himself fucking has her Zipper! We are going to fucking get her back in once piece and get her the fuck away from here as humanly possible!"

Zipper laid back onto the floor and shook his head, "Rip think for a fucking second! How the fuck are we supposed to get her if we don't even know where the fuck she is! We don't know where she went. We don't know where their secret gathering place is. We know absolutely nothing."

I kept clenching and unclenching my hands, I knew he was right but I didn't want to say it out loud.

"We will figure it the fuck out and we will get her back Zipper. Whether I have your fucking help or not." I stood up and sat down in a chair at the table.

I looked around at my men and sighed, "We need to get Jay on the phone. He needs to tell us as much information as he can about them so we can plan. We are going in first thing tomorrow morning."

Asher pulled out his phone and dialed Jay's number, "I'll get him on the phone and get what I can. I'll let you know what he says. I'm going to step into the spare bedroom real quick."

I nodded and he made a hasty exit. The rest of my men got to work going over the details of the shipments and the New York chapter coming in. I couldn't focus on any of it. All I could think about was Nyx. How empty I felt that she was gone and heading straight for her death.

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