I woke up in a fog, my body tangled up in sheets I didn't recognize and only when I felt heavy breath on the back of my head and a body pressed against mine while naked did I remember what had happened.
My face became a very bright shade of crimson as everything came flooding back. The quiet washed over me as I carefully turned to look at Rip.
He looked perfectly serene. His breaths came slow and even as his chest rose and fell. He looked as if he was sculpted from marble. Without thinking I reached out to touch his chest but before my fingers met with his skin my phone started to ring on full volume Alan Walkers Darkside - my ringtone I had given to Jessica a few months ago after listening to the song.
I threw myself at the side table and grabbed my phone just as I slid off the bed and landed on my shoulder answering it.
"H-Hello Jessica. What's up?" I said trying to keep my voice even as I gathered myself and stood up. Rip was awake watching me, clearly trying to fight a fit of laughter as he balled his hand into a fist and pressed it into his impeccably soft lips.
I shot him a glare as Jessica responded, "Where the fuck are you at Nyx? I need to get you. Your detective called me when he couldn't reach you - there's been an accident."
I froze, "What accident? Jessica what happened?!" I felt my stomach fill with dread, what had happened while I was fooling around with Rip?
Jessica hesitated and I could hear someone in the background shouting orders and the sounds of sirens which only made my heart sink further into my stomach. I could feel my legs starting to go weak, "Jessica what the fuck is going on?!" I screamed into the phone as I ran about the room trying to get dressed as fast as I could.
When Jessica's voice came back over the phone it was strained, as if she was fighting back tears to talk to me, "Nyxxie... Keith was... He... He's been shot. You need to get to the Hospital. The last thing he screamed out before the ambulance left was your name."
I nearly dropped my phone as I yanked on my boots. I hung up, shoving the phone into my back pocket as I pulled on my jacket and felt my pockets looking for my keys. Rip came next to me, pulling me against him, "Nyx you have got to calm down. I'll take you wherever you need to go. You'll crash on your bike, you can barely breathe."
I turned to face him shaking from both rage and anxiety, "Then you need to hurry the fuck up and get dressed because I'll be damned if I loose anyone else before I get to tell them everything that I need to before... before..." The tears came and my knees gave out. Rip caught me, picking me up he placed me on the bed and hurried to get dressed.
Once he was fully clothed he grabbed a set of keys out of a bowl on the dresser and pulled me along with him, letting me sob. As we got to the bottom of the stairs of the bar everyone turned their attention to me, I didn't care. I was tired of losing people I cared about to an unknown force.
Rip tucked me under his arm protectively, shooting everyone whose eyes lingered too long a glare as we made it out of the bar. We rounded the corner and headed off to a parking lot that had only one car parked - a black four door Jeep Truck.
He hit a button on the key fob, which made the Jeep chirp happily as lights came flooding on blinding me a moment before he ushered me into the front passenger seat. Once I was secure he hurried to get into the driver's seat, turning the key in the ignition it roared to life and before I knew it we were flying down the road.
"Are we heading to the hospital Nyx?" Rip asked, his lips were pressed into a thin firm line while his eyes were steel staring daggers into the pavement that blurred with how fast we were going.
I sniffled and wiped my eyes nodding, "Yes..." was all I was able to force out and even that sounded weak.
I let the tears fall freely as I stared down at my hands. How badly was Keith injured? Would he live to see tomorrow? Would I be attending another funeral of a loved one? Of a man who I had looked to as a father?
I balled my hands into fists, "I'll Kill him/her/them... I'll make them suffer if... if he's..." I whispered as the anger consumed me, fueling my desire for revenge rather than closure.
Rip glanced at me, his eyebrows raising and I could see the concern in his eyes before they glossed over and became steel daggers towards the road again. I looked out the windshield vowing to Keith and myself within my mind that I would never let his attacker or attackers ever get away with this.

Devils Rebels (MC)
General FictionI admit it, I was stupid to think that me of all people would be an ordinary woman. Nope. I've lived through tremendous abuse from being in foster care after my parents were both murdered within 3 months of each other and then the sudden death of my...