8 - Starting off Real Great

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*Above picture is the book cover that I tried to upload that got cut off. It ain't much but it's a start!* 

At the top of the stairs was a beautiful wooden door, it looked as if it was taken right out of the 1700-1800s (if I had to take a wild guess). It was carved with a scene depicting the greek God Zeus and his son Hercules. I stopped on the steps taking it all in feeling Rips gaze linger on me.

Hercules knelt at the feet of his Fathers statue within his worshipping temple. Hurt, defeat, sorrow, laced his face while Zeus stayed motionless. It was a truly captivating scene for sure.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Chuckled Rip from next to me. Blushing lightly I tore my gaze from the door and looked up at him before looking down.

"S-sorry. I just didn't think you were a fan of greek mythology at all..." I mumbled, rubbing the back of my neck lightly.

Rip snorted and patted my head, "There's a lot that you don't know about me Sweetheart. Stick around and maybe you'll get a chance to learn more." I looked up at him again and he winked at me causing my face to become a bright crimson.

"Yeah well it's not everyday that you meet someone just as interested in Greek Mythology as you. I'm partial to Artemis and Athena although Hades is pretty interesting as well. All time favorites of all the Greek Gods would have to be Posiden though." I shrugged and hurried up the stairs throwing open the surprisingly heavy door.

I'd have to admit it (to myself of course, never to him) - his place above the bar was in pristine conditions. Not a single thing was out of order and it was not all skulls and black painted walls as I had expected. It was... quaint... charming even. The walls were a sandy brown and the couches a beautiful gray and white. A medium sized light brown wood coffee table was placed perfectly in the center just in front of the couchs.

A (at least) 65 inch T.V. was mounted to the wall opposite of the couches with a light brown entertainment stand just underneath that held many dvds and what looked to be video game cases.

"Wow. Not at all what I had pictured but it's... nice. I like it." I said softly, turning to meet his gaze. He shrugged and walked over to the kitchen opening the fridge and pulling out two smirnoff ICE coolers. One was Raspberry and the other was Apple.

"Have a preference for which one? Didn't think you'd want any hard A." I rolled my eyes and grabbed the raspberry one.

"I don't mind but considering I'm driving my bike back myself I'd rather be under the legal limit." He chuckled and nodded.

He opened the drinks and proceeded to the pantry, "Well Nyx, what would you like to eat? I could make spaghetti, Chili, Burgers, Fried chicken, whatever you want I can make it."

I raised a brow, "You of all people know how to cook? Seriously?" my voice carrying the disbelief I felt. He glanced back at me and shrugged.

"My mother was a chef before she retired and so I grew up learning the ropes in the kitchen. There's a lot of things that I can make. Cooking is but isn't that hard if you really apply yourself to it. What about you? Do you cook?" He asked turning his gaze back to the pantry looking at all of the ingredients that lay within.

I frowned, "Not really... I mean I can do basics but nothing elaborate and fancy without step by step instructions I... My mom didn't get the chance to teach me. She died when I was 14." I looked down at the bottle of alcohol I had in my hand fighting back the tears.

Mom had always mused to me about how she wanted to teach me how to cook and bake. She was so very happy to have a girl that she could bond with just like she did with her mother... little did she know that she'd be murdered in cold blood before she really got the chance.

I hadn't realized I had zoned off, lost in thought about my mother until Rip had reached over and gently touched my hand making me jump. My eyes shot up to his, searching his gaze. His brows were furrowed, he was deeply troubled, "Are you okay Nyx? You went ghostly pale and didn't even look at me when I was trying to talk to you."

I blinked and shook my head clearing my thoughts and forcing a small smile unto my lips, "Y-yeah sorry. I... zone out sometimes when I think of my mother." It wasn't a lie, but I didn't want to tell him everything yet... at least not tonight. Not during dinner.

He frowned but decided to let it go, "Well, let's pick what sounds good and I'll get cooking while you can sit and watch a movie or play a game or something. I've got quite the selection." he laughed wiggling his eyebrows at me, a genuine smile spreading across his lips like a wildfire in the dead of summer.

I rolled my eyes and smirked, "Alright then. How about you surprise me with your culinary talents and I'll just throw on a movie and sit back lookin' pretty? That way while you're slaving over dinner at the stove, you can appreciate what beauty is in your midst." I wiggled my brows back at him.

He snorted and chuckled before heading to the fridge to pull out ingredients, "Whatever you say Sweetheart." was his only reply.

With that, I decided to go and explore his movie collection.

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