*The Above Picture is the Hollywood Sign View Point in California - This is close to what I've pictured in my head of the significant View Point within this story. Just imagine the Hollywood Sign is not there.*
I stood at the viewpoint looking out at the city. Distant sounds of car horns and sirens filled the air as I watched the hustle and bustle go on. It was beautiful. Mom used to love just sitting up here for hours taking everything in. Come to think of it, this is where her and Dad had first met and it's also where he asked her to Marry him.
I leaned against the railing letting the tears fall. Why did it have to be my family that fell apart? Why did it have to be us? What had my parents done to deserve such a brutal end? All I could do was stand there looking out at the beautiful city that housed their killer potential killers and cry. I felt so helpless. Lost and confused and mostly angry. Angry that they were taken. Angry that I was here and they weren't. Angry that I was alone with no one to help me other than Detective Keith but even he was a deadend.
What could I do? Where could I go? I needed answers. I had to get to the bottom of this mystery and solve it before anyone else is killed. I had to give them all justice and let them rest in peace. It was the right thing to do... wasn't it?
But how? How was I, a 21 year old woman with 0 experience in detective work supposed to solve these 6-7 year old cold cases on my own? I had thrown out the idea of having that damn biker gang help me, but I doubted that Rip or anyone else involved in the gang would even give me the time of day on that subject. I'm sure the only reason that Rip even wanted to have dinner was to fuck me. I mean, isn't that what they do on a daily basis?
I signed heavily and plopped down on the ground running a hand through my hair feeling frustrated and pissy. I had to find a way. I had to figure this out. I was smart enough, and pretty resourceful... I just had to piece the pieces together.
I laid back on the ground and looked up at the clear blue sky before closing my eyes, breathing in the fresh air.
I remembered the times when my parents and I would spend here. I remembered all of the moments that they held me in their arms, wrapped in a blanket watching the sunset and sometimes even the sunrise. I remembered watching my brother sitting on the ground playing with his toys and chatting with our father. I let myself be brought back to those times. Where things were simpler... peaceful and perfect in their ignorant bliss.
These were the memories that fueled the fire within my heart... what kept me pushing and searching for the truth. I had to find it.
Out there in that big dangerous city lay the true events of what happened that night and most importantly, why it had even happened in the first place.
I opened my eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the sunshine, taking in every last moment I spent here. Tears welled in my eyes of sadness and anger, "Mom... Dad... I promise you I will find the truth... I'll find it and I'll do all I can to see that you get the justice that you so deserve... no matter the cost. Rest easy up there okay? I'll see you again one day..."
Signing softly I stood up, brushing the dirt off of all the parts that I could reach before getting back on my bike. Placing the helmet on my head I glanced back at the Viewpoint. Shaking my head I kicked my bike on and headed home.

Devils Rebels (MC)
General FictionI admit it, I was stupid to think that me of all people would be an ordinary woman. Nope. I've lived through tremendous abuse from being in foster care after my parents were both murdered within 3 months of each other and then the sudden death of my...