Authors Note!

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*Above Photo is ME! lol* 

Hello my lovely readers!! 

Just wanted to give you an update with the process of writing this book! I have a plot and everything, but I am delving deep into the research of Motorcycle Clubs in the sense of trying to get into contact with several members of various clubs to use their depiction within my book to help bring some reality to it! I want to make it as close to the real world as possible because I want to provide the best reading materials for you! 

If you know or are apart of an MC please feel free to contact me! If you would like to be mentioned within the book or in the credit log at the end please let me know during our interview so I may make note of it and create the credit page before hand! 

You may e-mail at:

I am very excited and so grateful for all of y'all and for this book! 

Feel free to comment, vote, and share as much as you would like and feel comfortable with! 

I look forwards to hearing from all of you lovely readers! 

Signed always, 


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