31 - Breaking the Shackles

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*A/N* I'm seriously shocked at all the different types of Ankle Shackles there are... o.o  lol Also, I hope that the translations are correct - I used google translate from English to Russian so if they're inaccurate I apologize! 

Nyx's POV

Blood dripped from my wrists to the floor as I continued to try to escape. I could hear bustling finally and I knew that something was going to happen. I didn't care. I wanted out. I kept my head down and screeched yanking hard against the shackles.

"Fuck!" I hissed to myself as more blood dripped down and pain shot through my wrists. I was only causing more damage to myself but I couldn't stop. I couldn't.

I was panting heavily, angry that I was stuck here and that I had literally walked into the trap like a fucking idiot. Where was the justice for my Mother and Father? Had I gone soft already?

I screamed at the top of my lungs and jerked my hands as hard as my body would allow. There was a small chink noice before I started to feel my shackles loosen from the stone walls. I looked up and saw a small gap had formed at the base of the shackles and the wall.

I jerked again and it moved a little further.

"Fuck. I keep this up I could get my arms free..." I mumbled to myself.

The noises up above me continued and I could hear doors opening and closing with such urgency. I didn't have much time, I needed to hurry.

Taking a deep breath I leaned against the wall before shoving off as hard as I could. Pain shot through my arms and the metal screws groaned in response as the shackles that restrained my wrists were ripped from the walls.

I hissed softly and looked at my ankles. I had to think fast. I looked around the tiny cell that I was kept in. There was nothing around that I could use to break the stupid things. I moved over to the wall where they were mounted on and noticed that they were rusting, meaning that they were old enough that with enough force just like the wrist ones I could break them out of the wall.

I plopped down onto the floor, bracing my legs on either side of the shackles and grabbed them tightly with my hands. Taking a deep breath I pulled as hard as I could. There was a small grinding sound and then a snap as the shackles metal plate that was screwed into the wall came free, making me fling backwards.

Catching myself before I could smack my head on the concrete I took a shaking deep breath. I laid my head down and closed my eyes trying to gather myself when I heard a small gasp of shock.

I kept my eyes closed, wondering who it could have been before I felt small cold hands touching my arms. Then I heard the sounds of keys jingling.

"Bozhe moy! Chto ty sdelal s soboy, Malen'kiy Voron!" (Oh my god! What have you done to yourself Little Raven!) Her voice was shaky, filled with panic and fear. I heard her fumbling with her keys before she started unlocking the shackles.

"YA dolzhen potoropit'sya i osvobodit' vas ot etikh svyazey, Uchitel' budet tak rasstroyen iz-za togo, chto vy sdelali dlya sebya." (I must hurry and free you from these bonds, Master will be so upset with me for what you've done to yourself)

Her shaking hands made haste and as she finished the last shackle I opened my eyes a tiny bit to see her back turned from me, putting the keys back onto her belt loop of her dark wash jeans.

My hands shot out and grabbed the chain from one of the shackles and wrapped it around her neck, pulling back tightly to strangle her. Her hands shot up to try and rip the chain from her throat but once she realized it was a feeble attempt she started to claw at my face, trying to get me to break my hold on the chain.

I held it in place, tightening my grip until I felt her go completely limp. I let her drop to the cold hard ground before taking her keys and her shoes. It wasn't much, but it would help me be able to escape faster.

My wrists were still bleeding, not much but just enough to make me cautious. I bent down, hooked the keys to my belt loop and ripped up a few pieces of her shirt to use as a bandage. Tying it off with the help of my teeth I straightened out and walked out of the cell, locking it behind me to keep her from leaving once she came to... if she ever did.

I knew I didn't have long and I knew that the only way out of here was to follow the noise of the bustling upstairs. I swallowed and begun my search for a weapon - I needed something anything to help me get the fuck out of here.

Turning a corner I noticed a small lit corridor that had wooden doors lining each side. I glanced at the keys on my hip, maybe they opened up an armoury? Or perhaps a small area that held sparring equipment or something that I could use!

I hurried along to the first door, it opened to just a hall closet that was filled with cleaning and medical supplies for treating a variety of wounds, and a few odds and ends. Nothing that I could really use unless I wanted to set this place on fire.

Wait! I could set this bitch ablaze and make a quick escape while everyone panics to put it out!

I searched the room, all I needed was potassium permanganate and glycerin. I looked at every bottle that I could reach until I found the glycerin. All I needed now was the potassium permanganate. It had to be in here, there were bandages, antiseptic wipes and - aha!

There on the top shelf was the potassium permanganate! Climbing the shelf I grabbed the bottle and jumped down.

I opened the potassium permanganate and dumped half the contents onto the ground as close to the wooden shelves as I could before placing it outside the room next to the door. I uncapped the bottle of glycerin and stepped back to the doorway and threw the bottle into the room making sure to aim for the shelf.

I jumped back as they reacted simultaneously bursting into flames eating the wood viciously. I yelped and bolted for the end of the corridor seeing a set of stairs. My heart was pounding in my ears as I heard the alarms starting to blare sounding off as the fire began to eat everything within its wake.

I huffed as I pushed myself further knowing that there were definitely more ways into the dungeon hearing the screaming and men's voices shouting in russian.

Once at the top of the stairs I realized that everyone had gone to the basement to get the flames under control. I looked around and realized I wasn't in my childhood home anymore. I started to feel myself panicking in which I had to stop and breathe slowly. Think! I screamed at myself as I looked around. The room seemed to be a study. A large oak desk sat in the far back of the room, centered.

I ran to it, ripping open the drawers until I found a small dagger and a pistol. I grabbed them both, checking to make sure the gun was loaded before running back into the hallway. Where to go? I couldn't go back to the basement, there were too many down there. I had to find a window to jump out of and run for it. If I could find a car that'd be ideal.

I picked the opposite direction of the basement and started running again. I tried every door I could reach - all were locked up tight. I turned as I saw another staircase come into view and ran up them. As I got to the top I saw light - it was coming from outside! A window!

I reached the top of the stairs in record time, gunning it for the window when I heard someone scream my name. I didn't stop. I aimed for the window - this was my way out. I braced myself, tightening my muscles as I dove.

Glass shards shot over my face, prickling my skin. I tucked my legs under me and tuck and rolled as I hit the ground. Pain shot through my body but I ignored it. I stood up and looked back at the house I'd just jumped from. A shadow stood in the wake of the broken window, one that sent shivers down my spine.

Not wanting to wait for any other surprise I sprinted off towards the edge of the property. I had to get as far away as I could and find a phone to tell Rip what happened. I needed to get back to him and fast.

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