Roman's POV
I looked down at the amber liquid and knew what I had done. There was no other way to ensure that she was to stay mine. Hellina had allowed her to escape and even burn part of my manor down, killing so many of my servants in her attempt to escape the inevitable.
My darling Little Raven was indeed far more capable than I could have ever dreamed of. Keith had done well to teach her many things, surprising me. No matter, I would have her soon. Dr. Volkoz had already confirmed that she was in his ER getting treatment.
Unfortunately trying to get that godforsaken bastard and his minions away from my love had proved difficult. However, I am sure that once Volkoz tells him that she's dead he will leave. That was the plan. Fake her death so she would be mine for eternity. The Goddess herself had insured me that Nyx, my Little Raven haired beauty, was indeed all mine.
The prophecy was clear; A raven haired woman would be born by my second in command. He shall intrust her hand to be mine in marriage when she becomes of age in which her blood shall be a token from the Goddess herself to grant me eternal life - granting me and my wife immortality.
Everything was going according to the prophecy until her damn father tried to escape. I hadn't wanted to kill them. I hadn't wanted her to be so... broken. However, how broken was she? She had killed Hellina, broken free from her shackles, and managed to escape causing as much destruction as possible to distract everyone so she could vanish without a trace.
She was fierce, feisty, brave, courageous, intelligent, breathtakingly beautiful... She was the perfect match for me. A gift for me for my diligent servitude to the Goddess herself. Now all I had to do was send for her, retrieve her from the hospital and allow her to come to terms with her fate as my beloved wife.
I leaned back into my chair, still looking at the amber liquid envisioning the moment that I took her as mine. I wanted it to be perfect. I wanted it to be a night that she would remember fondly, regardless of the blood that still stains my hands. She was mine dammit and I had been patient, too damn patient if you ask me!
It was time. Her dress was ready, Ren our seamstress had been diligent to get her measurements while we had her and done an excellent job in executing her vision.
Her dress was the embodiment of her beauty and I was eager to see her in it with her hair and makeup done to enhance that. She would surely be a vision and I knew my love for her would grow the moment I lay my eyes on her. In time she would feel the same and wish to warm my bed. The Goddess never fails to come through on her side so long as I always stay true to her.
I broke free from my thoughts as my phone began to ring, bringing me back to the here and now. Without missing a beat I answer on the second ring, "Roman." I say quickly.
Volkoz chuckled, "Well hello to you to Master. I have her ready. She's been cleaned and the antidote has been administered. I've got her sedated for the time being so she doesn't awake during transport. Her biker lover has been rather nosey though. He refuses to believe that she is dead even after showing him she had no heartbeat and even allowing him to feel her cold hand. He's sitting in the waiting room being comforted by the nurses. The police have been notified unfortunately and they've collected her records and are sure to question him."
I smiled, "I'm sure he would be a rather pest. He seemed quite fond of her. I was afraid they had been rather close considering she was less than pleasant with me." I pursed my lips before continuing, "Have Rose bring her here in the hearse. I will have Ren meet her at the gates. Be sure that the nuisance stays there and is rather busy with being interrogated by the police so he doesn't see anything. I'm sure he has people watching the hospital - make sure she slips out undetected. I'd rather not lose another manor yes?"
Volkoz chuckled dryly, "Yes Master. I shall have Rosa leave at once. Until them." He hung up the phone and I glanced down at the picture I had of Nyx sitting on my desk. It was her on her 21st birthday with her friend Erica, my dearest niece. Nyx's eyes were so alive, filled with so much fire. It was my favorite. That fire that kept her going even after losing everything she held dear.
"Soon my love. Soon I shall have you in my arms where I can show what true love and power feels like." I mused to the picture before pulling looking down at my phone once more.
It was time to start the ceremony. I flipped through my contacts before placing the call to my new second in command, "Jake she will be here shortly. Ready my chambers. The ceremony shall commence at once."
Hanging up I looked back at the picture of my beloved Little Raven. I smiled and licked my lips, "The time is now for us my love." With that I headed towards my shrine of the Goddess. It was time to give my thanks.

Devils Rebels (MC)
General FictionI admit it, I was stupid to think that me of all people would be an ordinary woman. Nope. I've lived through tremendous abuse from being in foster care after my parents were both murdered within 3 months of each other and then the sudden death of my...