32 - Other Side of Town

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I kept running. I kept running until my feet and legs ached so bad that I collapsed onto the concrete of a sidewalk. I was panting heavily, tears streaming down my face as I tried to gather my bearings. 

Where the fuck was I?

A few cars had slowed down to look at me but kept driving, not stopping to investigate. Good. I thought. I didn't want to have to explain anything to anyone. I had to get back home before Rip went charging in to try and save me.

I pushed myself up and winced as my body ached. No time to stay here, I had to keep going. I pushed forwards, begging my legs to hold me steady as I ran again. I saw lights off in the distance, not headlights, but city lights. I whimpered as my legs picked up pace, my feet pounding the sidewalk pushing my body further and further from my captors.

I looked at the buildings that came into view and that's when it hit me, I was on the other side of town. The complete other fucking side of town.

I saw a minit mart, wasting no time, I bolted inside. The poor lady at the counter jumped back, her expression filling with shock and then replaced with worry and apprehension.

I huffed and dropped to my knees, "Pl-please. I n-need to see your phone. I gotta... make a c-call to my boyfriend." I winced again and looked at my bandaged wrists and realized they were bleeding through. I looked up at her and she shakily pulled out her cell phone and slid it to me.

"Jesus darlin' what the fuck happened to you?" she whispered, her thick southern drawl filled with worry and genuine concern. I took the phone and dialed Rips number before looking into her soft blue eyes.

"I was kidnapped and held against my will. I can't say anymore then that but you need to delete this number from your contacts and act like you haven't seen shit if anyone comes and wants to know if you've seen me got it?" I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.

Finally the phone clicked and Rips voice cut through the silence, "Yeah?" he growled into the phone.

I whimpered, "Rip... it's Nyx... I need you to come get me."

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