16 - My Dark Memories

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Aside from telling Rip where I lived and how to get there we rode in silence. He never spoke a word, only nodded and or grunted when I gave him directions.

We pulled into my driveway, both getting out and heading inside once I unlocked it. I took a deep breath, my home smelled like vanilla and cinnamon. The smell reminded me instantly of my mother as it always did. It's the reason I had even bought the stupid glade scent things. I wanted to hold onto the memories I cherished for as long as I possibly could.

I peeled off my jacket and threw it on the back of the couch, kicking off my boots and tossing them next to the front door before making my way into the kitchen for something to drink. My mouth had become so dry my tongue stuck to my teeth.

Grabbing and filling a cup with water from my fridge I choked it down. I inhaled deeply and let the tears I had been holding back flow freely. I faced the sink, my back to Rip, and just sobbed. I clenched my fists before I punched my counter.

"Fuck!" I growled into my sink as I punched my counter again.

"Nyx stop!" Rip grabbed my waist and turned me to face him, taking my hand into his to look at my red and swollen knuckles and frowning at me.

I looked up at Rip, "Why? I'm alone Rip. Keith is all that I really have left. He's the only who... who knows and understands me. I mean, Jessica acts like an older sister and while Erica is my best friend they don't get it. My family is dead. Gone. Six feet under." I started to shake as the anger took over as I continued.

"No justice was brought to them. My mother was practically ripped apart, and alive for most of that ungodly torture. My dad? Yeah he was killed the same way except for him, the killer used his blood to leave a message to me. Me! You know what it was? He told me to be ready. That's it. 'Be Ready' was written on my bedroom wall in my own father's blood."

I glared up at him knowing that it wasn't his fault, but I couldn't help it. The anger and rage were boiling up over the top and spewing out and I had no control over it anymore. Years and years of keeping everything bottled up were flowing as free as the Nile.

"Next was my brother. Labeled as an accident but I know for a damn fact that it wasn't. My family, the only people that I had ever truly loved were ripped piece by piece from me."

Rip stayed silent as I continued, his gaze never leaving mine, "I met Keith the night of my mothers murder. He refused to let me in the house. Him and my Dad ushered me over to his car and made me stay in there, telling me, promising me that everything would be okay. When my dad was murder Keith was there, holding me as I screamed, yelled, everything. He stayed in my life even when I bounced back and forth from foster home to foster home. He visited me, kept me in the loop. Told me everything that he could about the case but never let me see the pictures forensics took of the murder scenes. Not until just recently. They are moving to close their cases - saying that there's a statute of limitations that's about to run out or some shit and so he gave me a copy of everything for both of them. Well I looked at the gruesome photos and they haunt me Rip. It's like I'm reliving all of it and I have no one to turn to because now Keiths fighting for his life in a hospital bed which I know for a fucking fact is not a damn coincidence. He's the only one on the inside that's fighting to keep the cases open. Trying to find answers, a lead, anything to keep them open. With him out of the picture and them closing the case there's nothing he can do to help me."

I shivered, feeling so cold and empty as I turned my gaze to a picture I had framed and hung on the wall of the hallway - our last family portrait. The last time we were all together. Tears started falling down again but I didn't care anymore.

Rip held me softly before bringing a hand under my chin again and leaning down to kiss me sweet but passionately. I closed my eyes and leaned into his kiss, letting his passion warm my cold dead heart.

He pulled away slowly and let out a deep breath, "You're something else ya know that?" He whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

I looked up at him confused, blinking waiting for him to continue.

"I would have never imagined you going through that. You don't give off the vibe that you're damaged and lost. You carry yourself as if you are going to conquer the world. You're fearless and brave and so damn courageous. It's addicting and I find myself trapped under your spell."

He leaned down and kissed me again, soft, sweet, quick before kissing my forehead and pulling away, "You should go shower or take a bath or something. It'll help relax you. After that you should head to bed. Don't worry, I'll crash on the couch."

Leaving me standing there bewildered and confused Rip went to go lay on the couch.

Shaking my head I shuffled off to my room and bathroom to wash away the pain even if it was only temporary before going to bed.

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