I groaned as pain radiates through my head. I go to reach up to rub it and find that my wrists are bound - shackled to the wall behind me. I blink rapidly trying to understand where I am and what happened.
I was in a cell. Like one you'd see in those medieval movies in the depths of the dungeon. Concrete floor and stone walls. Silver bars and shackles. The distinct sound of voices filled the air, soft murmurs that reminded me of what wind sounded like passing through trees in the dead of night.
I stood up and noticed that I was barefoot - my boots were nowhere in sight and I could feel that my weapons were taken. My hoodie was gone too. I shivered, not because I was cold, but because someone has taken the liberty to touch and move my body. Someone had hit me over the head with an object and drug my ass down in here.
My ankles were shackled, my movement was restrained. I was a captive, a prisoner to the very people that had killed my family.
Anger and disgust rampaged through me making me glare at the shackles on my ankles. I was so lost within my thoughts that I hadn't heard someone approach my cell.
My eyes darted up the moment I heard a small chuckle. What looked to be the same cloaked man that entered my home was now before me, I could feel his amusement and it pissed me off.
"Now now, that will never do! That face will only cause you to age even more and we don't want that. You must look your absolute best when the time comes to meet your beloved. He is very eager to meet Little Raven." I growled and stepped forwards trying to punch him only to be stopped by my shackles.
I scowled, "Fuck you." I spat at him vehenemously. He laughed and shook his head before turning and walking out of my cell, making sure that he closed and locked it behind him. He made no sound as he walked away down the hall of this dungeon.
I pulled on the shackles, trying to see if perhaps I could break out of them. No use. They were tightly secure to my wrists and ankles and to the stone wall behind me. The only way I could escape would be if I magically became superhuman and ripped them from the walls.
I frowned and sighed heavily leaning against the cold stone for support closing my eyes.
"Nyx what the fuck have you gotten yourself into now you fucking idiot..."
"Talking to yourself my lovely little Raven?"
I held my breath and slowly opened my eyes and looked at who spoke. His voice was deep and Husky and held a small tinge of an accent that I couldn't place.
He was devastatingly handsome which only angered me more when I realized I was regretfully attracted to him. Drawn to him somehow.
He was older - If I had to guess he'd be in his late forties early fifties, but he was not frail, oh no. He was quite masculine, his physique was the definition of every woman's wet dreams. He had Salt and peppered hair on his head that was perfectly kept with a beard to match.
His eyes glinted in the small light we had between us, deep chocolate brown that held a devious haze. I scowled as I felt my body react to him in ways I never wanted. I could feel myself getting wet just at the sight of him and hearing his voice.
"I'm not your 'Little Raven'." I spat angrily at him pulling on my shackles causing them to dig painfully into my wrists.
He tsked at me, "Now my love, that will never do. You're too beautiful to make such a horrid face like that. Never-the-less my love, we shall be wed soon enough and you shall be free from those shackles. I merely wanted to see for my own eyes if the pictures of your beauty were true. I do say, they don't do you justice. You're far more beautiful than the goddess Nyx herself in whom you're named after."
I laughed dryly, "You're a sick fuck if you think that I'm amrry anyone, 'specillay you." I glared at him as he laughed before crossing his arms and stroking his beard with one hand.
"Ah my lovely Little Raven. You're quite feisty. I cannot wait until I have you in my bed to see how feisty you truly are. Tell me, do you plan to fight me? To Kill me? Your mother tried the same. I must tell you, your father was such a coward. He let me have her. Gave her to me willingly as if it would protect you from your fate."
I growled and shot forwards, hissing when the shackles dug even harder into my wrists. They'd fore sure be bruised and if I kept this up they'd start to bleed.
"Don't you dare talk about my fucking mother you fucking sick prick!" I screeched yanking with all my might to try to break free of my restraints.
He laughed once again, a menacing smile forming on his lips that sent waves of sensual desires to my core. I clenched my jaw forcing myself to fight off his sexual charms and focus on the fact that standing before me, was the man that killed my mother.
"Ah my love. I didn't take pleasure in her I assure you. You are and will forever be the one I lust after. She was merely to get my point across to your father. He tried all he could to run from fate but alas here we are. He tried to deny prophecy - to stop it. He wanted nothing to do with this divine intervention when he found that it would be you I'd wed. That it'd be your blood I drank to give me the power of the Goddess herself." He spread his arms wide, that smile unwavering to let me drink him all in.
I flipped him off, "You can go fuck yourself asshole." I snarled at him. He laughed again and clapped his hands towards me making me growl again.
"Ah yes my feisty little one, you will marry me and I will satisfy your desire that burns within you. You try to hide it with the pent up aggression towards me, but I can see it in those beautiful eyes of yours that you lust after me. In due time my love. In due time you will be in my bed." With that he blew me a kiss and left.
I screamed at the top of my lungs and fought with the restraints again, I needed to get the fuck out of here and I needed to do it fast before he could have his way with me.
I needed to get back to Rip.

Devils Rebels (MC)
General FictionI admit it, I was stupid to think that me of all people would be an ordinary woman. Nope. I've lived through tremendous abuse from being in foster care after my parents were both murdered within 3 months of each other and then the sudden death of my...