They had taken us to the hospital, Justin, Rosette, Asher and Zipper were driving closely behind us. My heart had been pounding in my ears and my chest as I watched them work tirelessly to keep her alive. The drive was a mere ten minutes, but it felt like an entire lifetime. Once we pulled into the bay the doors burst open and the paramedics started shouting at the ER staff.
I followed closely behind watching everything that they did, watching as they rushed her off to the OR, the nurses running to keep up with the gurney that carried the most important woman in my entire life. The first surgeon threw scrubs at me angrily, "Hurry and put those on now! If you're going to be in here you are going to be sterile and stand in the corner so we can work. Jen I need the anesthesiologist in here stat! Page him!" He continued to bark orders as he was suited up. I hurried to dress and went to the exact spot that he told me to be.
They worked quickly, the anesthesiologist got to work with sedation and they got to work without even waiting for it to kick in. I watched in horror as they started cutting her flesh but I couldn't look away. Her heartbeat was faint and the nurses rushed around the room administering different fluids into the IV they had set up.
Hours passed as they worked tireless to remove the bullet, stop the bleeding and sew her up. Once they were done the surgeon looked over at me and waved me out. A nurse pulled me along as she led me to an ICU unit telling me that this is where she was heading to be stabilized and monitored. They'd intubated her.
I stayed by her side for weeks. Watching all the machines beeping and talking to all the medical staff that had come in to treat her. They all were optimistic that she'd make a full recovery. Her wound was healing nicely and there was no sign of infection though she wasn't out of the woods yet. They administered medication every once in a while to check her brain activity and everytime it came out that there was optimal activity. It was very promising and the Doctors and Nurses assured me that she hadn't suffered any brain damage.
Justin, Rosette, and Asher came to visit her frequently too. They'd sit next to her and tell her about their day and how much they had missed her. Asher would recount the first time that she had come into the bar and how he had wanted to beat the crap out of Lillian. It made me chuckle.
As the weeks passed they ended up taking her off the ventilator after weaning her off of it and then transferred her to a different floor of the hospital. It was bigger and they had moved a cot in for me so I wouldn't have to sleep in a chair for the rest of her hospital stay.
It had been a total of two and a half months since she had had surgery and her doctor was certain that it was time to wake her up from her medically induced coma. I was eager to see her beautiful multicolored eyes. I'd missed them terribly. They administered the drug and had told me that she could wake up anytime after that. It just depended on her.
Time ticked by and I felt my eyes growing heavy with exhaustion as I moved from her side after kissing her forehead to lay on the cot to rest my eyes. I knew that I'd get to see her eyes soon, that I'd get to hear that beautiful voice once more.
With the picture of her smiling up at me whispering that she loved me I drifted off to sleep.

Devils Rebels (MC)
General FictionI admit it, I was stupid to think that me of all people would be an ordinary woman. Nope. I've lived through tremendous abuse from being in foster care after my parents were both murdered within 3 months of each other and then the sudden death of my...