48 - Death

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Everything happened in slow motion as if I was in my own horror movie. Damien and five other men burst in through the window, Jake came running into the room gun drawn. I shoved Roman as hard as I could, jumping up and dashing over to Jake tackling him to the ground and as bullets started to fly. I shrieked as we landed onto the ground as I wrestled for the gun.

I couldn't let him die. I didn't care that he had been loyal to Roman, or the fact that he hadn't even tried to reach out to me to let me know he was okay and alive. My focus was to make sure that he didn't die on me a second time but this one for real.

"Jake stop! Stop fighting me!" I screamed at him as he growled and punched me in the side. I sucked in a sharp breath before returning the favor by punching him in his jaw as my other hand fought to free the gun from his grasp. I heard Damien scream my name and before I knew it I heard the gun go off.

I froze, eyes wide as I looked down at Jake, "Wh-why..? Why couldn't you just agree to everything and make everything easy?" Jake whispered breathily pushing me off of him as he shrunk away to press his back against the wall, his gun dropping to the floor as he looked at me in horror.

I looked down at myself, blood was pooling at my feet but I hadn't even begun to feel the pain of the gunshot in my stomach. I stayed frozen on my knees before turning slightly looking at Damien. Roman lay face down in a pool of his own blood, his chest unmoving and I knew that he was dead. That didn't matter now as I looked up into the eyes of the only man that I ever loved.

"Damien... I love you." I whispered before falling onto my back.

"Nyx no!" he screamed as he rushed to my side, his hands frantically ripping my shirt so he could apply pressure to my bullet wound. I laughed softly as I held his gaze, fighting to stay awake as darkness started beckoning me into it's cold embrace.

"Who would have thought that my fucked up life would end this way eh?" I mumbled up to him as he looked at everyone in the room, his eyes pleading them to help him.

A man who I didn't know came to kneel down next to Damien, pulling off his backpack and pulling out a weird black package that contained gauze, smacking his hands out of the way as he started to pack my wound. I hissed as all my senses came crashing back down over me. 

Saying that it was painful was an understatement, it was unbearable and I had to use every ounce of my control not to cry. I kept focusing on my breathing, looking up at the man who was helping me as he barked an order to his men to call Justin and the paramedics. I started to panic a bit as I looked at him wide eyed when he mentioned detaining my brother, "He didn't mean to." I stated as I started to shake. I knew that I was going into shock.

Damien traded places with the guy and held my head in his lap as his hands ran through my hair, "It's going to be okay Nyx. I'm not leaving your side I promise. I will stay here no matter what anyone has to say!" I smiled weakly up at him.

"Damien I'm so tired." I murmured trying to keep my eyes open, trying to keep him in my sight. This was it. I was dying for real this time and there was no coming back from this. I could hear sirens now and the sound of heavy footsteps trudging their way over to us. I heard Justin curse and turned my head to see both him and Rosette look down at me in horror. As the paramedics rushed past them I turned my eyes back to Damien, "I love you so much Damien. Never forget me okay?" I smiled as the darkness slowly pulled me away, lulling me to sleep as I heard a sob rip through his chest as he peppered my face with kisses.

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