Chapter 1

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Another day of waking up as the sun was rising in the sky.

Many wondered how Ryujin had got to where she was, but wasn't the answer obvious?

While others had personal lives and families, she had work. While they were out having fun, she was working. While they focused on stupid things like dating, she worked to be where she is.

And while they were still sleeping at 6am, she was already getting ready for another day.

That's how she was where she is now.

Opening the blinds of her room, she took a deep breath. She would never get tired of the view she had from her apartment.

Perks of owning a penthouse in Seoul.

She made her way to her walk in closet and proceeded to pick an outfit. Honestly, in the past Ryujin had preferred comfortable clothes over anything else but that had changed over the years. A big part of her job was to look good. Unfortunately sweatpants and hoodies were a no-no.

By 7am she had walked into her company's building, avoiding the stares she was getting from everyone already there. These days she barely noticed things like that. Everyone stared. It was nothing new, nor was it surprising.

Luckily, there weren't that many people inside, as it was still quite early.

She sat down on the other side of her agent's desk. He was apparently the biggest deal in their field in all of Korea. That's why she had signed with him.

They were both lucky in that aspect.

She got the best agent and he got the best artist.

Ryujin had been avoiding this. Honestly, she knew that she needed a new manager but they were all so useless. Most barely lasted a full month before she was forced to fire them.

But it was necessary. She can't take care of things herself. At this point she just hopes he gets a competent person for the job.

Her comeback is supposed to be in six months and she needs to start practicing for it now. That's why she was always in the conversation when there was a debate on the top dancers and overall performers in the industry. Not only was she naturally talented but, she also put in the work.

"You better have chosen a good one." She spoke in her deep voice, crossing her legs and leaning back on the chair.

Her agent looked tired of her already, as he often did. It really came as no surprise. She had a strong personality, and he knew that better than anyone else.

"She was recommended to me by someone trusted. I called her former boss and he spoke highly of her work ethic."

"If she's so great then how come she was unemployed?" Ryujin scoffed, crossing her arms. "Is she late?"

Her agent shook his head. "No. You're the one who's early."

"Isn't that the professional thing to do? She should have been early as well."

"There's still time."

"Whatever. She's already wasting mine."

"Maybe if you were a little more patient we wouldn't have to hire you a new manager every month."

Ryujin simply rolled her eyes in response.

Not a second later there was a knock on the door to the office. Her agent's secretary opening it a moment later, announcing her new manager had arrived.

Honestly, out of all things Ryujin could have ever imagined would happen in that moment, this was the more unlikely one.

What she expected to see happen today? Getting herself a new manager who would spend almost every waking moment in her life from now on.

What she never expected to happen? Seeing her college ex girlfriend walk through the door of her agent's office.

What happened? Both those things. At the same time.

Because apparently the universe decided to say 'fuck Shin Ryujin specifically'.

Ryujin didn't let her surprise and shock show though, she got up from the chair and put on the expressionless face she often bared. Watching as the other greeted her.

Why the hell was her ex girlfriend smiling at her, as if they didn't hate the other's guts?

"My name is Hwang Yeji. It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope that I can do a good job in managing your impressive career.

Was this some elaborate plan to sabotage her? Because if so, that was clever.

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