Chapter 26

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Ryujin was annoyed. Their first week at the house was now ending and it had been exhausting. Most of it was fun and even enjoyable but Yeji kept ruining everything.

And now she was receiving texts from him too.

And now she was receiving texts from him too

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They had to be attempting to drive her crazy

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They had to be attempting to drive her crazy. Surely, they wouldn't be so dumb to think their presence and words would do anything positive to their cause.

She was angry. He was bold, she'd give him that much. Bold, arrogant and shameless.

It seems maybe that's where Yeji was getting her new attitude from.

Ryujin sighed, dropping unto her bed before opening social media to see what people were saying about the episodes that had been out.

It seems a lot of her fans had started to ship... Ryujisu. She assumed it meant her and Lia. She chuckled to herself.

'Maybe in another life.'

Suddenly, and she would swear that she didn't know how, she was on her fake account where she had followed Yeji.

'She posted another old photo with him. Wait.'

She read the caption

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She read the caption. Once, twice. Looked at the photo of them looking particularly young. Then back at the caption.

"But I introduced them." She whispered to herself, making sure her eyes weren't deceiving her one last time.

'I'm going to have grey hair by the age of 24 and it's all her fault.'

'How? If I introduced them not even 5 years ago?'

'She met him when she met me?'

'Did she-'

'Did they-'

'Were they-'

'-the entire time?'

She was so mad that next thing she knew, she was stomping her way to Yeji's bedroom. Not one care in the world about anything.

Ryujin opened the door violently, closing it loudly and startling the girl who seemed to have been laying in bed while listening to music.

"What the hell." Yeji yelled, moving fast so she'd be standing.


Yeji seemed confused.

"6 fucking years?" She asked, this time in more detail.

She hadn't even thought about the fact she was revealing that she had been following her private account. In that moment, Ryujin wasn't thinking with logic or reason.

"How did you-" Yeji seemed to come to a conclusion before she finished her question, crossing her arms and looking at her with a straight face. "You've been stalking me."

"No." She replied, too fast. In a slight high pitch.

"It wasn't a question." Yeji took a step towards her. "You've been stalking me." She only stopped when they had less than a step in distance between them.

"Is that really what you want to focus on, Yeji?" She stood her ground, not backing up.

The other seemed to be struggling to keep the intimidating posture but managed to do a decent job at it. "So what if I knew him for that long?"

"I introduced you two." She tried, really fucking hard, to hold on to the reality she had once known. But now, looking at Yeji as she avoided meeting her eyes. She knew.

It had been just another lie.

"I didn't introduce you." She said, seconds later. Her eyes focused on nothing at all. This was a lot to process.

"No, you didn't." Yeji admitted, looking back at her.

Ryujin nodded, thinking to herself.

'I truly am the biggest fool.'

'All along they knew each other.'

'Were they with each other through our entire relationship?'

"Did you-"

She wasn't sure if she could finish the question.

Maybe part of her didn't want to hear the confirmation to her worries.

"Did I what?"

"You two."

Yeji hummed. Waiting.

"Was any of it real?"

"Me and him? Or you and I?"

For some reason, that really hit her hard.

Ryujin tried her best to hold herself together. She could break apart once she got to her bedroom. But she had to hold it together just for now.

"You and I."

Yeji seemed to be looking for something in her expression. She wondered if she had found it.

"Do you really have to ask?"

"I don't know, Yeji." She let out, scoffing. "I don't know because apparently, I don't know shit. So I don't even know what I don't know. And what I think I know keeps turning out to be bullshit. So, yes, I do have to ask."

"How shitty do you think I am?"

"You cheated on me."

"That's not an answer."

Ryujin took a deep breath. Looking straight into Yeji's eyes. "Shitty enough to have cheated on me."

Yeji nodded, pressing her lips together.

"Does it matter what I say to your question?" She didn't let her answer before she continued. "At the end of the day, I'll always be the bitch who cheated on you. Won't I?"

She didn't respond. Ryujin wanted to tell her that Yeji had been so much more than that. But what for? So her arrogance could get bigger? So she would use it against her? There was no point to nice words.

"Think whatever you want to think, Ryujin."

She nodded, not bothering to continue this conversation and starting to walk away.


She glanced over her shoulder, only for the other to shake her head.

"Forget it."

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