Chapter 19

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It was past 10pm, she had been impatiently waiting for that moment.

All she could think about since the other had said those words, had been 'why?'.

Was it just for show?

Had Yeji only said that to look good for the cameras? To make herself look like someone who cared about Ryujin? To make them look closer than they could ever be again?

Thoughts kept forming in her mind and she wanted to confront her.

Fuck her no talking if it isn't about work rule.

She might have to break this rule. Just one time. Okay, maybe it had been multiple times by now but whatever. One more time then.

She caught sight of Yeji making her way into the gym, holding a water bottle. No one else seemed to be joining her so it was the right moment to have a conversation.

She hated that. Just thinking about having an actual conversation with Yeji made her stomach do flips, her palms were sweating at the thought and she could feel her anger already creeping up.

This looked like a recipe for disaster from any angle you look at it. And yet, she wasn't about to let that stop her.

She moved upstairs to where the gym was located with determination and confidence. All eyes on her as she moved, but she didn't even notice that.

"Is she going to k word Yeji?" Yuna asked no one in particular.

"Maybe we should have hidden the knives." Yuna spoke again, earning a shove from Chaeryeong who was trying to listen in to spot any loud noises.

The three girls had stayed in the living room, which was located on the floor below the gym so it made it nearly impossible to hear anything happening in there. Much to their disappointment.

Ryujin opened the door, with all the determination backing up the movement, closing it behind her as a shocked and caught off guard Yeji stared at her open mouthed.

"Why did you agree to do this?"

"What?" Yeji finally spoke, blinking far too many times, Ryujin noticed.

"Why did you agree to do the show." Ryujin's hair was messy, from moving too fast. Her hands ran through it, brushing it off her face. "Was this some elaborate plan to mess with me?"

Yeji laughed but somehow it was scary? Yeji had never been scary. And it really caught her off guard. Sometimes Yeji would get mad and it was intense, but not scary. She still looked almost soft when she would get angry. So to have her laughing in a way that sent chills through her spine, well, Ryujin nearly shat herself at the sight of it.

"You think I'd submit myself to this? To mess with you?" She spoke just after the laughing stopped. "You think I wanted to be stuck in a house with you?"

Ryujin couldn't move or speak. She was frozen at the sight of Yeji yelling at her with so much... spite? Her face was nearing the color red and she was reminded of the last time she had seen her this upset. When they broke up.

"Trust me, I hate it just as much as you do."

Ryujin scoffed, causing Yeji to look at her with even more... whatever that was. "I had to leave my house, my boyfriend, my life. So I can spend every day being filmed while stuck with someone who hates me so much she can hardly look at me. This might be a nightmare for you. But it isn't anything less than that for me too."

"You didn't have to say yes. You didn't have to be here. Hell, you didn't even have to be my fucking manager." She finally brought herself to speak. Her fists closed in anger but she never moved from where she had been since she entered the room.

The other was sitting on one of the gym equipments, looking at her. Not having moved either.

"It's a fucking job. A good one, if I might add." Yeji argued, "I thought we could be civilized. Guess I gave you too much credit."

Ryujin smiled but it wasn't happy nor content. It was out of anger. It was a smile carrying all the hurting the other had caused her. "You're really something, Hwang Yeji."

"Too much credit?" She spoke, taking a step towards the other. "You know what was too much credit? Me believing you're a fucking decent human being. Or that you at least respected me in any way. Or cared. Me thinking you were a good person." Ryujin took another step and this time she didn't yell out the words, she spoke softly but with anger backing each word. "Me thinking you could ever care about anyone besides yourself and appearances."

"But congrats. Now the world will love you. Enjoy your fame. That's all you ever cared about, isn't it? Making sure others thought highly of you. Always making decisions based on what others would think." Ryujin scoffed but the other didn't respond. "I used to think your parents were the ones who thought that way but maybe I was wrong. I thought you were different."

Ryujin took another step and she was standing so close to Yeji who was still sitting down. She then whispered, her voice deeper than normal as she had been yelling. "You're just like your parents, Yeji."

Suddenly Yeji seemed to snap. She blinked and the girl was standing right in front of her, having got up from where she was sitting. "Fuck you, Ryujin."

The taller girl pushed her aside to walk away, nearly making her fall.

"Fuck me?" She yelled, stopping Yeji from storming off.

"I fucking loved you. And what did I get in return, Yeji? Huh?" She yelled again, turning to face her ex. The other girl didn't look at her or turn. She was standing by the door, her hand still on the handle.

"I'll tell you what I got. A fucking knife on my back. That's what. And now here you are, tormenting me again with your presence. So yeah, excuse me if I'm anything less than civilized towards you but I think I have every right to be this way. You betrayed me and walked back into my life as if nothing had happened."

"Don't worry. After this, I'll do us both a favor and leave you alone." The other stated before walking out the door and slamming it shut.

Ryujin couldn't keep it in any longer. All the emotions she was feeling. At the sight of the other walking out, she broke down. Falling to her knees crying her heart out.

She hadn't cried like that in years.

It hurt. But it was strangely therapeutic.

'How can she act so entitled?'

'I hate that she expects me to just be okay with her being around.'

'After everything she did to me, she really dares to act this way.'

'I've never hated someone so much. Fuck Hwang Yeji.'

(Author's note: okay Yeji sounds like compensating for your fight with Ryujin but I'll just 🤐🤐🤐 )

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(Author's note: okay Yeji sounds like compensating for your fight with Ryujin but I'll just 🤐🤐🤐 )

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