Chapter 5

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They first met when Ryujin decided to audition for a dance crew. She didn't really know anything about them, except for the fact everyone who seemed to be into that stuff loved them.

She had seen the flyers all over her college, she overheard some students talking about auditioning and complimenting the members.

'They must be good.' She thought, grabbing one of the flyers and putting it in between her notebook.

Once she got to the bedroom she had been renting, Ryujin sat at her desk, pulling out her laptop and looking up the dance crew.

'They're amazing.' Was her first thought, as soon as the first few seconds of a dance cover played.

'She's powerful.' Was her second. Looking at the tall girl in the middle of the formation. The only one with her hair tied.

'I'm going to audition.' Was her third, not a minute into the video.

For the following week she focused all her attention and effort on her dancing. Practicing a couple of routines that showcased her talent. Barely going to the classes she had. Honestly, she had always loved dancing more than school.

Many people over the years had wondered why she hadn't become a trainee and honestly, her parents hadn't allowed her to. Stating that they wanted her to have a normal childhood. But now that she was older, Ryujin could at least do this. Maybe it could lead to something.

Then the day of the audition arrived and there must have been almost a hundred people there, waiting for their name to be called.

'It's just a dance crew, why are there so many people here? Go audition to be a trainee or something.' She thought, sighing as she tried to make her way inside, passing through a crowd.

"Next one."

Ryujin could only see the back of the members' head. But it was easy to recognize each one just based on their videos.

One was short with long brown hair, another was taller with brown hair as well, the tallest was a red haired girl and then there was the girl who immediately got her attention, the one who seemed to always have her hair tied.

However, she just hadn't learned their names.

It would have been unnecessary. She'll just learn them once she gets chosen. Easy.

After a few minutes and some whispers between the dance crew members, the next girl was called. And so it went on.

The audition was being held in a big practice room filled with mirrors but due to how she had to make her way through the girls already there, she was sitting almost next to the members. Some girls were standing in the hallway as well. This would take a long time. When she had signed up, Ryujin had received a text with a location, time and her number. 76.

Ryujin made herself busy by playing music through her earphones.

She kinda wished there was room to practice because she wanted to make sure that she had her moves down.

Something she usually did. But still.

Some girls didn't even last a full routine, as the ponytail girl yelled 'next' in the middle of their dancing.

'This girl is tough to please.'

With all the girls leaving after auditioning she finally was able to move slightly so that she could see the face of the crew members. Finally noticing how the ponytail girl smiled each time she yelled 'next'.

'Maybe she isn't so bad.'

Ryujin found herself staring without having noticed. Quietly admiring the girl's features. Her smile was amazing. And so was her face.


Once the other girl left the middle of the room, she looked down at the paper in front of her, "76."

Ryujin was still lost in her staring, only realizing the other had called out her number a few seconds later. She took off her earphones in a rush, moving to the middle of the room.

"Today, please."

'Shit. Relax, ponytail girl.'

Ryujin performed as she had prepared, managing to finish the entire choreography without the other girl calling out for the next person.

'Fucking right, you got me. No need for the next one.' She thought as she smirked smugly.

The ponytail girl stared at her with a look in her eyes that Ryujin couldn't quite comprehend.

Maybe it was the feeling of accomplishment or maybe it was her overconfidence.

Before leaving her spot, Ryujin winked at the ponytail girl.

'What the fuck.'

Why did she do that?

She left as quickly as possible, nearly tripping over her own feet on her way out.

Ryujin went directly to the bus stop, wanting to go back to her room as fast as possible. She could walk there but the bus tended to be faster. Only, it was taking some time for it to arrive.

"Wink girl."

Ryujin heard someone speak, but didn't quite understood the other's words. Then she saw ponytail girl standing next to her. Was she speaking to her? Maybe she should check.

Taking the earphones out of her ears, she turned to the girl. "What?"

"I said hey, wink girl."

'Kill me now.'

"Hey, ponytail girl."

The other smiled, raising her eyebrows at her.

"Ponytail girl?"

"Yeah. I don't know your name so."

"You auditioned and you don't know my name?"

"Is it a requirement to get in?"

The other girl seemed to think about it for a second, making her wonder if it was.

"I suppose not."

Her bus arrived in that moment, Ryujin spotted it in the distance. For some reason, she suddenly found herself wishing it would have taken longer.

"My bus is here." She stated matter of factly.

As she got up and placed an earphone in her ear, she looked right at the other girl, smiling brightly. Her whiskers in full display.

"I bet you look breathtaking with your hair down." She blurted out, not giving it much thought.

She walked to the bus, turning once more before entering.

"I'll be waiting for your text, ponytail girl."

And with that she got in the bus.

It didn't take long for her to receive the text saying she got the spot and informing her of the location and time for their first meeting.

The next time she saw her, a week after the audition, ponytail girl had her hair down. She would later on come to tease her about it until she admitted it had been because of what she had said that first day they met.

Ryujin finally learned her name during that meeting, and since then it hasn't left her mind.



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