Chapter 31

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Ryujin had what she will now consider one of the best days of the last four years of her life.

It might be sad to call it that, considering that she knew it was fake.

Not all of it. But Yeji's smile and her laugh.

At the end of the day, there were still so many negative emotions between them that they might never get rid off.

Ryujin knew it was up to her to forgive the other. But she really couldn't do it.

Maybe it was childish. Some people would surely be yelling at her to just forgive her.

She couldn't.

Every time she considered it, she was reminded of what happened. How it was still happening.

For now, she would focus on this truce, pushing aside all the negativity she had carried with her for years.

It had been nearly a week now. Since her and Yeji had made peace with each other. For show, of course.

It had been weirdly calm.

Sometimes she found herself forgetting that they weren't back in college. And things weren't fine.

They were drinking tonight.

It had been Lia's idea. Even though, she was a lightweight.

Ryujin didn't even like the taste of it. Although, she drank wine quite often. She did so to get drunk.

Maybe she should dissect that at another time.

It was past 10, all cameras were off, they were in their pajamas in the living room.

She isn't even sure who is in worse shape, as all of them seem to be quite affected by the alcohol. Cheeks pink all around.

"I couldn't believe when she DMed me." Lia chuckled, finishing the content of her wine glass.

"But did you do it?"

Lia only blushed in response.

"You're lucky." Yuna complained, flopping to the floor. "I wish she had hit on me."

"You are a child." Ryujin teased, throwing a pillow at the blonde girl.

"I'm already 21. Stop babying me."

Yeji was the one to respond. "I don't think any of us will ever stop."

Yuna pouted. Only stopping when Chaeryeong gave her a side hug.

"What about you?" Chaeryeong asked, looking awfully curious about it.

Ryujin couldn't help but notice how Yeji was purposely avoiding looking at her.

"What about me?" She asked, as if she didn't know exactly what the other was asking, a smirk appearing as she spoke.

Chaeryeong rolled her eyes. "I don't think it's a secret that you like women. I assume many have tried."

She chuckled, shrugging. "Men, women, people. Can't say many haven't tried. It's mostly my fans, though. They're bold."

"Come on now, are you really saying there haven't been other idols who have hit on you?" Lia argued, nudging her drunkenly. Nearly missing her entire arm.

"I didn't say that." Ryujin took her time sipping on her wine before continuing to speak. "Some have tried, yes."

"And?" Yuna asked, her face brighten in new found curiosity.

"And there's nothing to tell."

Chaeryeong rolled her eyes. "You're telling me you never got with any of them?"

"I never dated any of them." Ryujin replies, knowing exactly what the others meant but avoiding it.

Even drunk, they weren't that easily fooled. Much to her dismay.

"That's not what we asked, Abu." Lia was the one to speak, slurring her words.

Ryujin chuckled at the fact. "Alright. I'm not a nun. There's been some. Nothing really serious, though."

Yeji hadn't spoken the entire time they were drilling Ryujin about it. Despite the fact they had been acting like they were friends for days now. She noticed that much, even if she might have had a few too many glasses of wine.

Maybe, if she hadn't drank so much, she would have noticed how Yeji's face dropped at her confession.

But she didn't.

"Yeji's turn." Yuna yelled, way too loudly. Clearly the wine had got to her.

Their leader scoffed, looking down at her drink. "Why me? It's not like there's anything to say."

"Yuna, you're drunk. Go sleep." Lia said, between giggles.

Ryujin was looking at Yeji, she wasn't even sure why. But when the other looked up, their eyes met and neither broke eye contact until Yuna loudly announced they would be playing wine pong. Which was her version of beer pong, she assumed.

Somehow, she was the one who was the most sober out of everyone. Making it her job to guide everyone to their rooms. The last one being Yeji, who was much more drunk than she had expected her to be.

As she laid her on the bed, next to a passed out Lia. Yeji poked her cheek, opening her eyes forcefully, probably trying to keep them from closing against her will. "Was it true?"


"Was I your last one?"

Ryujin furrowed her eyebrows. "My last one?"

The other only hummed, poking her again.

"Yes, Ryuddaeng." She whispered, as if the nickname was a big secret only they could know about. "The last girlfriend."

Ryujin pressed her lips together. Yeji was too drunk, she could probably say just about anything and the other wouldn't remember it at all. "Yes." She isn't even sure if she would either.


Not twenty seconds later, Yeji was deep asleep, as Ryujin closed the door to her bedroom.

"Good." She repeated to herself in a whisper.

'I hate her. I hate her. I hate her.' She repeated the words as if her life depended on it.

Who did she think she was? Did she think she could bring back her old nickname then say that and what? Ryujin would let her get away with everything? Just a few days ago she was telling her she didn't regret cheating.

Ryujin was still running the earlier scene through her mind when she finally fell asleep.

(Authors note: just wrote a speech of Yeji explaining everything that happened and it's my favorite thing I've written and I wish I could show it to you guys right now but obviously everything there is a spoiler. Idk how I'll fit it into the story but I'll try)

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