Chapter 7

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Ryujin was not feeling well. She had a terrible headache, her phone had its screen broken and for the first time in years, she was late for work.

When she entered the company's building wearing sunglasses and looking puffier than usual, she was sure there would be some theories as to why that was coming, judging by the amount of people who were looking at her.

Honestly, fuck them and the sure to be born rumors.

She was waiting for the elevator when the door opened and she saw Yeji for the first time since being a little bitch who cried about her ex having a boyfriend

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She was waiting for the elevator when the door opened and she saw Yeji for the first time since being a little bitch who cried about her ex having a boyfriend. Despite it being like four years since they broke up.

'Here we are, back to it. You being perfectly happy, me crying about you. Nothing new.' She thought, avoiding looking directly at her manager even as she felt Yeji's eyes on her.

The other rushed out of the elevator, clearly wanting to go complete her task before wasting time. She found herself feeling thankful for that.

'At least she has good work ethics.' That was her last thought before the door closed. Ryujin immediately relaxed, probably due to the fact she was alone in there. If she wasn't the workaholic she is, she might have said she would be staying home due to sickness.

'My sickness being the sight of Yeji with him.'

Today she was supposed to start practicing a dance cover that would be recorded in a few days to be posted online. Some ploy to get people talking about her before the announcement of her comeback, according to her agent.

Which means today she wouldn't be alone with Yeji. The routine required several dancers which would be provided by the company. That means a full practice room.

Ryujin had never been more happy about being around other people.

At least she had that going for her.

Maybe the universe was giving her some slack.

Or maybe not.

Entering the practice room, she started going over the routine. The dancers were supposed to arrive any moment now, as she supposedly would have arrived earlier to go over the routine beforehand but failed to do so.

Ryujin was late. So here she was, cramming to make it seem like she wasn't completely off her game today. Even if her eyes were still slightly puffy and she felt like someone had beat her up.

By the time Yeji finally arrived with her coffee, it had only actually been about ten minutes, Ryujin was already nearing a mental breakdown.

The dancers had arrived but there was one missing. Apparently, the previous day she had broken her foot or something. Honestly, she didn't care about that. She only cared about the fact they didn't have the necessary amount of dancers.

'Can the universe give me a fucking break. Just once.'

Yeji must have noticed her distress because she rushed towards her, handed her the cup of coffee and started to talk to the dancers herself. Gesturing for her to sit down before doing so.

After a few minutes, mostly of Ryujin trying to be cool about this whole situation while focusing on her drink. Yeji walked up to her.

"It seems none of the other dancers are available." She explained, "But you have options."

Ryujin sighed, staring at her.

"Right. You could use trainees." She suggested.

"This idea came about because the dance is so complicated that people will pay attention to it. I doubt trainees could keep up."

Yeji fidgeted with her fingers, "You could ask an idol."

"So they could steal the attention? Besides, I'm not close enough to anyone. And most are far too busy."

Yeji looked down, almost nervous to continue her suggestions.

Ryujin rolled her eyes, "Just spill it out."

Her manager smiled at her, but she knew that smile. It was the 'I'm nervous but I don't want to show it' smile Yeji often did.

"I know the routine."

"So what?" Ryujin said, before thinking about what the other might be suggesting.

"I can-" she seemed to hesitate. "I can dance it."

"You?" She almost stuttered.

It's not that Yeji wasn't amazing. She had always been one of the best dancers she had ever seen. Although she hadn't really seen her dance in years, Ryujin doesn't doubt that Yeji is still just as amazing as she used to be. Probably even more. That is, if she has kept up with dancing.

"We can find another solution. I can ask around." She could see how her response had made Yeji even more nervous. Or was she sad? But why would- whatever.

She couldn't have Yeji do this, right?

It's not that Yeji can't do it. It's that...

Okay, the truth is, this dance- it's intense. And sexy. And Ryujin knows what Yeji looks like when dancing even when the dance isn't that great.

She knows how different she is when dancing. How attractive she is. Not that she isn't attractive all the time. But it multiplies when she has her perfect facial expressions on.

Ryujin had always been mesmerized by that. Yeji's ability to be cute and adorable but then becoming a whole different person when dancing. It was amazing. She had this aura about her. This presence. It was so natural and so eye catching.

The last thing she needed was to see that.

But does she have an option?

She could let Yeji go around asking if someone is available which would waste them hours at best, she could use a trainee which would slow them down, or she could be a grown woman, remain professional and unbothered while her ex danced near her.


"You'll do it." She spoke, regretting her decision a couple minutes later when she spotted Yeji taking off her hoodie and wearing a crop top that showcased her body entirely too well.

'Fuck me.'

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