Chapter 35

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What did that mean?

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What did that mean?

It sounded like the biggest 'no' she could receive. Was Yeji mad?

She sounded mad.

Ryujin didn't understand why she would be mad though.

Why did she want to meet in the bathroom? Where there were no cameras?

'Oh, fuck. Here we go again.'

'It's a fight. I can feel it in my bones.'

Still, there she was, walking into that goddamn bathroom where Yeji awaited her.

"What the fuck is that, Ryujin?" Yeji yelled immediately upon her entrance.

'Fuck, woman, let me at least take a breath before yelling my ears off.'

"A contract?"

Yeji was not amused by her snarky response.



"Isn't it obvious?"

"No. It isn't obvious why my ex girlfriend who absolutely hates me, would offer me a contract like that to sign."

"I want to bring back ITZY."


Ryujin sighed. "Because I miss it." She admitted, raising her hands along with her voice.

"Happy?" She rolled her eyes, hands placed in her hips. "I don't get why you're here yelling at me."

"I don't get why you're doing this."

"I just told you."

"No." Yeji countered, shaking her head. "I believe you when you say you miss it but, I don't think that's why."

"Then what Yeji?"

"I don't know." She looked sad. Ryujin wanted to make her happy. Not sad.

"It feels like a bad joke where I'm the punchline."

Ryujin chuckled, "Is that what you think? That I'm playing a prank on you?"

"Are you?"

She chuckled again. This girl would be the death of her. Fucking hell.

"I'm doing it because you won't."

Yeji looked confused.

"I'm offering you what you never dared to chase after. All you need is a signature and it's yours."

"Ryu-" She still looked sad.

'Ah, this girl.' It was so frustrating.

"I can't."

"But you can." Ryujin sighed. "One signature. That's all it takes, Yeji."

She shook her head, tears were falling down her cheeks and Ryujin was unsure if she would want her to do anything about that.

"They'll ruin it."

"Who? Your parents?"

Yeji nodded. "And his."

"I won't let them."

"You don't have a say in it, Ryujin." She was speaking in between sobs and sniffs.

Ryujin sighed, she felt so frustrated. All that work and all Yeji could do was coward at the thought of her parents.

She had placed her career on the line for Yeji and here they were. Ryujin slowly accepting that Yeji would never be her own person.

"Do you even know what I did to-" Ryujin scoffed. Stopping herself. She didn't need to know how Ryujin had risked her career to get her that opportunity. "I get that you're scared, Yeji. But what? You'll go and be miserable working for them? You'll waste your life away behind a desk? I'm offering you what they never will."

"I know." Her voice was small. Broken.

Ryujin felt a mixture of pain and hate inside. She was reminded of all their past fights that had likely contributed to the end of their relationship. How most, if not all, had to do with her parents. And she was also reminded of how broken Yeji had been. How messed up they had left her.

"I'll buy you time." She finally let out. "As much as I can."

"It won't change anything."

"Time won't change anything, Ryujin."

Ryujin was leaning against one of the walls, finding the contact with something comforting. "It's either that or giving up." She ran a hand through her hair, offering the other a smile. "I won't give up on you."

She left right after, not wanting the other to see how tears had been forming in her eyes.


'I can never catch a mother fucking break, can I?'

'Just let me win for once. Just this one time.'

After spending some time alone and composing herself, to look like she hadn't been crying. Spoiler, she had cried too much. Ryujin spoke to the others.

All of them wanted to do it. Which only left one person missing.

"She won't do it." Yuna said, looking at Yeji who was sitting on the edge of the pool, her feet underwater.

"If the rumors are true then she can't accept." Lia spoke softly, next to her.

"What rumors?" Ryujin questioned, looking at the shorter girl filled with curiosity.

"My mother heard from her mother that once Yeji leaves this house, Yeonjun is going to pop the question. They said Yeji already knows, it's just a matter of formality. His family is already planning the ceremony."

So, that was the second time she ever felt her heart break. Both times over the same person, Hwang Yeji.

( Author's note: I'm sorry 🥺🥺🥺 I'll make it up to you guys soon )

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