Chapter 30

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Ryujin took a deep breath. She wasn't looking forward to this but she also wasn't about to backdown.

"Good morning." She spoke, smiling.

Yes, smiling.

At whom?


Who was left more than shocked at the view.

They both had made a habit of waking up far too early while the others tended to sleep until later. The sun would barely be out, when the both of them would make their way out of the bedrooms. Usually meeting in the kitchen as they silently prepared their coffee.

"Morning." Yeji said, between sips of the coffee, sitting on the chair by the counter.

Ryujin pulled herself up and sat on the counter instead.

She saw as Yeji gave her a look. This was something she had often done before but since becoming an adult, had stopped doing.

The pink haired girl didn't say anything, simply shrugging in response to the other's reaction.

"You can use the dance room today, if you want."

Yeji shook her head. "I was thinking of using the gym, actually."

She hummed. "So was I."

So, that was a fucking lie.

Ryujin studied the girl's face, noticing her dark circles. She looked rough. As if she hadn't been sleeping in days.

Yeji wouldn't want her to ask though. She wouldn't want to share whatever was bothering her, not with her.

So she didn't ask.

Instead, she picked up an apple and her coffee mug and started to walk to the gym.

Ten minutes must have passed before Yeji joined her in the room.

Despite it being early in the morning, it was sunny and the big windows of the room allowed for her to be hit by sunlight.

'Nice.' She thought, closing her eyes as she sat on one of the machines.

Yeji moved without a word to stand on the treadmill and started to slowly but steadily increase the speed.

Ryujin focused instead on working out her legs. It was one of her charming points. Her thighs.

"Yeonjun told me you've been upset." She finally broke the silence, minutes after they had started to work out.

The taller one of the two didn't seem to react, focusing her gaze out of the window. "I don't want to talk about it."

She hummed, "Didn't expect you to." She offered, moving to another machine. "This is clearly awkward and upsetting for both of us. I think we should try to be civilized though. For as long as we are stuck here." She suggested, sitting down on the arm machine.

Yeji looked to be considering her suggestion but then sighed. "I can't."

"You can't be civilized?"

She stopped running, moving away from the treadmill after it slowed down. "No." She considered her words, finally looking at Ryujin. "I-" she wavered for a moment, sitting on the machine in front of hers. The cat eyed woman glanced at the cameras, despite them not being on at the moment.

That's when it clicked for her. She hadn't thought about it. "They're watching."

It wasn't a question but Yeji nodded.

"I'm surprised they let you come on the show."

The other laughed, nervously. "I didn't tell them."

Shock couldn't describe what Ryujin was feeling. For as long as she had known Yeji, she had never gone against her parents. Sure, she danced in ITZY. But this? Especially after knowing that she had told them about her, it felt like a bigger deal. It felt like Yeji had finally defied her parents.

But judging by her dark circles and how hesitant she was to even talk to her, it probably hadn't gone well.

"You didn't tell them." She whispered, still processing it.

The other woman shook her head.

"They found out?"

She nodded.

"How bad is it?"

"Family meeting once this is over."

Ryujin scrunched her nose, not looking amused. "Is it because of me?"

Yeji laid down on the machine, moving her legs as the exercise required her to. "There's many reasons for it. I suppose you are one of them."

"I really am living in your parents' mind rent free." She chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

Yeji joined her, chuckling as well.

"Can I help?"

"Maybe..." the older girl seemed to think about it, silently continuing to work out before speaking again. "I already earned myself a family meeting. Maybe we can be civil with each other."


"It's better than spending the rest of this month in silence. It gets awkward when we are all hanging out and you and I still try and avoid each other."

"It does."

"You hate me and I'm..." Yeji clicked her tongue, moving on from what she was about to say. "Let's pause it."

"Pause it?"

She hummed. "Pause the issues we have between us."

Ryujin thought it over. She hated Yeji. So much. She was still so hurt. But this was the best option, wasn't it?




They smiled at each other.

To say the other girls were shocked when they woke up and found both her and Yeji cooking together, was an understatement. There they were, smiling, sometimes bumping hands or shoulders, they swore they even heard some chuckles.

Yuna must have ran her hands over her eyes dozens of times, thinking she might be imagining it.

"You guys see it too, right?" She whispered towards the other two who were also staring.

Chaeryeong furrowed her eyebrows. "I know i advised Ryujin to talk to Yeji but I never expected for her to do so."

"This isn't even just talking. Look at them." Lia countered, still whispering.

Yuna tilted her head curiously. "Maybe we woke up in an alternative universe."

"That would make a lot more sense than whatever the real explanation might be. Actually." Lia agreed, finally noisily moving the chair in front of her, causing them both to be aware of their presence.

"We're making kimchi." Ryujin announced, looking at them.

"Cool." Chaeryeong offered, not knowing what to say.

Yuna frowned, "Yeji unnie, are you sure you should be cooking? Food is meant to be edible."

"Ya!" Yeji yelled, throwing a towel at the younger girl. Causing everyone to laugh.

Maybe she can do this.

Maybe she can do this

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