Chapter 50

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(Author's note: this was never mentioned but it was hinted at that in this au South Korea is a lot more open minded so there's no problems with sexuality to the general public especially younger generations)

ITZY had become bigger than any of them expected. Even if Ryujin had been successful as a solo artist, the things they had achieved as a group had surpassed her wildest expectations.

Now, after three years, they had just finished another successful tour. Worldwide. Having gone to several countries with her best friends while performing in front of large crowds of their fans had been the best experience of her life.

She had never been happier. Sure, life wasn't perfect but it was damn close to it.

The exhausted women left their final venue and went back to their hotel. Where they would be staying before flying back to South Korea for a much deserved break.

On their way there, Ryujin couldn't help but look around and notice how despite the exhaustion, every single one of them looked happy. Everyone was glowing and she knew that years ago, she had made the right decision. That they had been meant to do this. To be a group. All five of them.

When her eyes finally reached Yeji, their gaze met as the other had already been looking at her. The older woman offered her a smile and Ryujin did the same.

In the three years since Ryujin had declared her love for Yeji, they had never spoken about it again. Not even in passing mention. Although, they do talk about caring for each other or say they love each other. It's never in that way. It's in the same way she does with Chaeryeong, Yuna or Lia.

At the time, during their first meeting as ITZY, where they were all alone discussing their start as a group, many things were cleared up. Both her and Yeji explained what really happened to everyone else. Telling them that it was an elaborate plan by Yeji and despite the hurting it had caused, Ryujin was thankful for her selfless act. Of course, their friends immediately asked if they were getting back together. Which was fair. But after Yeji explained how she needed to be herself and be on her own, they let go of the subject.

Sometimes, her and Yeji unconsciously did or said things that earn them a teasing look or that may cause fans to create theories around such action or words but they never really acknowledge it. Ryujin wouldn't do such thing. That would only be placing pressure on Yeji. And the latter must not be ready or willing to do anything about it.

Ryujin has seen the many photos and videos of them holding hands, placing their hands on each other's body, looking at each other in a less than platonic way, how she still plays with Yeji's hair and she lets her, how they casually use their nicknames, and so on. Most of the time, she's not even aware that she's doing that. It comes as easy as breathing. Either way, she doesn't plan on stopping and apparently, neither does Yeji.

They haven't talked about it and maybe there will never come a time when they will have that conversation. Ryujin knows it's likely that Yeji might never come back to her. Not in that way. And that's okay.

Love isn't possessive.

Not hers, anyways.

Sure, she would love to have Yeji for herself.

But honestly, all Ryujin wants is for Yeji to be happy.

If that's not with her, then so be it.

Love is selfless.

That's something Hwang Yeji taught her.

"Let's have lunch together tomorrow before going to the airport." Yuna suggested, excitingly. Even if she was now 24, she was still the youngest of them and you could tell. She had grown up, but she was still their happy pill. Always smiling and brighting up their days even when they're stressed or tired.

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