Chapter 9

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To this day Ryujin doesn't know how everything happened.

It was so fast. So natural.

It didn't take any effort on her part to fall for Yeji.

It was as easy as breathing.

They met, became part of the same dance crew, started practicing together, became friends and then...

Well, one day they were practicing a routine and that's when it happened. About a month after they had met. Yes, that fast. Granted, they had also started to spend a lot of their free time together.

Anyways, back to the dance practice.

It was just like any other but both of them stayed behind. Which wasn't really unusual. Yeji and her were usually the last ones to leave as they were a bit intense about their dancing.

So, it was just the two of them, dancing. Closely, if she might add. And honestly, Ryujin had been very aware of how attractive the other was. And how she really wanted to kiss her.

Those days Ryujin wasn't one to avoid people. Flirting. Feelings. She was bold and confident and once she knew what she wanted, she went for it.

She's still like that now but maybe not about her love life.

And there they were, sweaty, heavy breathing, smiles on their faces as they nailed the choreography and a very small distance between them.

By that she means that Ryujin could literally feel Yeji's breath hit her face.

They stood a little too long like that, her hands were holding Yeji close to her, as the routine required her to. And Yeji held unto her as well. Neither of them letting go of the other, as their heavy breathing filled the silence in the room.

Ryujin knew in that moment that they were on the same page about it. That she wasn't the only one who had feelings.

She could see it in Yeji's eyes. The caring, the softness, the wanting. Her own eyes glanced down to meet the other's lips and once she looked back up Yeji gave her this look, as if to tell her to do it.

So she did.

Ryujin kissed Yeji. And the latter kissed her back.

And an hour later they could still be found in the practice room, but this time on the couch, sharing kisses as they each avoided ending whatever was happening.

Since that day they spent most of their time together.

So much so that a couple of months later they had decided to live together.

Yeji's parents were rich. Well, rich enough that they were a bit pretentious. Strange if you ask her because Yeji was the most humble person she had ever met.

Her parents had rented her an apartment. A one bedroom apartment near campus. Which was convenient because Yeji had been commuting from her parent's house and it took like an hour. Once she complained about that, they settled for getting her that place so she could spend more time focusing on school.

She still remembers all too well how anxious Yeji was when she asked her to move in.

Ryujin was complaining about her roommate being a night owl and making too much noise which caused her to be sleep deprived. Not that she wasn't a night owl as well, she was. Yet she had classes and practice during the day so she needed to get some sleep.

Her head was rested on Yeji's chest, Ryujin's deep sleepy voice filling her girlfriend's bedroom.

Yeji started to speak without emitting any sounds a few times, causing her to chuckle.

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