Chapter 21

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Lia seemed like she wanted to ask. While they were laying in bed, Ryujin couldn't help but notice how the other wanted to say something. She continuously looked at her, opening her mouth occasionally but not daring to say a word.

"Don't." She whispered at the other. "I know you're curious but please don't."

"Okay." Was all the other said.

"I know this is difficult for you. If it helps, you can stick with me."

Ryujin didn't respond. She only hummed.

She's not even sure if that would help. Or if Lia's presence only made her think more often about Yeji.

The next morning she did as she always does, woke up early and went straight to the dancing room.

It was past 10 when someone opened the door. Meaning that she really hoped it wasn't Yeji because the cameras were now filming them.

Her patience struggling to keep her calm.

"Can I dance with you?" Chaeryeong asked, only her head peeking through the open door.

Ryujin nodded.

Chaeryeong smiled widely, making her way inside the room.

"What are you dancing to?"

"Whatever comes on." She answered with a shrug.

Truthfully, she wasn't even practicing a routine. She simply put on a playlist of songs appropriate for dancing, pressed shuffle and played it. Improvising as it went on.

"That sounds fun." The other girl said as she made her way besides her.

'It is fun.'

Ryujin didn't answer, paying close attention to the song that had just started, moving along to the beat without giving it much thought.

Improvising had always been one of the things she was best at. Chaeryeong's dancing was just as good though.

Their dancing styles were different. But even during the ITZY days, their differences only made them dancing together all the more interesting. They were good dancing partners.

'Good might be an understatement.'

"I've seen your work." Ryujin admitted.

Chaeryeong must have been surprised because upon hearing those words, she stopped dancing and stared at Ryujin through her reflection.

"You have?"

Ryujin nodded, smiling. "You're a tough dance teacher."

"I thought you meant my videos."

"Those too. But you're also weirdly intimidating in that one idol competition."

Chaeryeong was now staring at her, not at her reflection but right at her. Making Ryujin finally stop dancing and turn to meet her gaze.

"Don't be so surprised." She tried to salvage the situation, making it sound more casual than they both knew it was.

"I just thought that after you left the group, you had decided to leave it all behind."

Ryujin shrugged, moving to grab a towel and cleaning the sweat off her face and neck. "I did." She admitted. "But one day I was watching tv and noticed you. Next thing I knew, I had watched everything you had done."

Chaeryeong's cheeks were far more red than they had been before. Which was already quite red, considering they had been dancing for the past two hours.

"What did you think?"

"Honestly?" She asked, drinking some water afterwards.

The other girl nodded. She didn't seem nervous about whatever she was going to say.

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