Chapter 34

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Ryujin couldn't relax

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Ryujin couldn't relax.

The meeting was the next day. An urgent meeting, per her request, was to be held to discuss what she was demanding. Not suggesting, or asking. Demanding.

This wasn't the way they did things. She knows that. What she was asking didn't happen this way. It took years and it was carefully crafted by companies like hers.

Logically, her chances of getting it approved are low. Extremely low.

That's why she did something that she might regret.

'What am I doing?'

Ryujin kicked the couch, regretting it as she realized she had been barefoot. Hurting herself as soon as her foot connected to the object.

"Fuck." She yelled out, falling to the couch.

Chaeryeong had been walking by in that moment, stopping once she heard her scream. "Why are you kicking furniture at midnight?"

She looked at the other girl and couldn't find the words. How would she explain why she was doing this?

Surely there would be questions about it. But what would she say?

She wasn't even entirely sure why she was doing it.

When the other wouldn't do it for herself.

"Stress relief?"

The woman raised an eyebrow at her. Staring intensively. "There's probably better methods."

She didn't respond.

"What do you have to be so stressed about? Things have been going rather smoothly."

She shrugged.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded.

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