Chapter 3

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Ever since her and Yeji met, Ryujin had been struggling to focus on anything else. Her mind had been filled with the cat faced girl and she has had enough of it.

What point was the universe trying to make? Because reminding her of the one girl who broke her heart was not amusing. Neither was bringing her back into her life.

'She should have stayed in America'

Ryujin sighed, taking a pill for the headache forming in her head. "Out of all people. Why her?" She asked aloud, even though she was alone in her apartment.

These were the times she wished she had someone close to her who could give her advice. But long were the days when she had friends.

In all honesty, it's not like she ever really had friends. They were only friendly with her because of Yeji. Once they broke up, she found herself alone.

Maybe it wasn't all their fault, after the break up she did distance herself despite a few of them reaching out to her. But they were Yeji's friends. She had to cut them out of her life.

If she had kept them then she would have a constant reminder of the girl. Not to mention she would likely have run into her eventually.

Although, she supposes that happened anyways.

'The universe must think it's a comedian. Well, I'm not laughing.' She thought to herself.

The next day she would be practicing all day long and her manager was supposed to be with her. Which meant that Yeji would be spending the day by her side.

'This is torture.'

Ryujin laid in her bed, face buried in her pillow before starting to punch it. Taking all her frustration on it.

"Fuck Hwang Yeji. Why does she do this to me?"

She eventually fell asleep, thinking about her ex. And woke up the next morning still with her in mind.

'Good fucking morning to me.' She thought grumpily. For the first time in a long while, she didn't want to leave her bed in the morning.

Eventually, after much debate inside her mind, she made her way to her walk in closet. Picking up a pair of track pants and a crop top. She would be working out and dancing after all. Today was not the day to be glamorous.

Her phone pinged and Ryujin swears she must have a spider sense because her whole body tensed up. As if she immediately knew who had texted her.

The woman hesitated to pick up the phone but she had to at least check if it was work related. It's not like she could just avoid it. So eventually she unlocked it, hating the feeling taking over her. It wasn't even that she was nervous.

She was just tense.

"Does she not remember my order?" She said to herself, sighing

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"Does she not remember my order?" She said to herself, sighing. Yeji barely remembered her face, Ryujin shouldn't be surprised that she didn't remember her coffee order.

'Strike two, Hwang.'

Ryujin wanted to type 'the usual', just to see what the other would come up with. But she didn't. She wouldn't sacrifice her coffee order just to test the other woman.

'She's not worth it.'

Ryujin was already in the car when she got another text from her new manager

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Ryujin was already in the car when she got another text from her new manager. She unlocked it as the car began to move, luckily she never drove herself anywhere so she couldn't always check her phone while on her way to work.

 She unlocked it as the car began to move, luckily she never drove herself anywhere so she couldn't always check her phone while on her way to work

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'What the fuck?'

She immediately rolled her eyes and decided to ignore the other woman. At this point her expectations were so low that if she brought her the correct coffee, Ryujin would consider it a win.

Luckily, it seemed like Yeji was at least good for picking up coffee because once she walked into her practice room, she was already in there. And with the right coffee waiting for her.

'It's warm.' She thought, holding it with both her hands.

'At least she isn't completely useless.' Ryujin proceeded to take a sip of it as she glared at the other woman.

Her eyebrows furrowing once she noticed Yeji's drink. Some overly sweet mixture, judging by its appearance. Diabetes in a cup. Something never changed.

'Yep, that's Yeji.'

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