Chapter 14

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Ryujin was the first one to arrive. Next was Yeji. Who was dropped off by her boyfriend.

She tried her best to avoid looking but curiosity got the best of her and she saw something she cannot unsee. Them kissing.

'Not like it's the first time.' She thought to herself, her fist closed as she felt her temperature rising.

Trying her best to calm down, Ryujin took a few deep breaths as Yeji walked up to where she was, near the front door to the house.

Her boyfriend drove off a few seconds later, thus, leaving them alone with the crew. All of which were far too busy finishing setting things up. Except for the one setting up Yeji's microphone.

"I can't believe they did this." Ryujin let out, a pout permanently on her face since she had arrived.

"They've been avoiding me since."

'Of course, they would be.'

Not a moment later, she spotted the other girls, arriving all together. No doubt so none of them would be left to face her and Yeji by themselves.

By that time, both her and Yeji had been given microphones, ready to start shooting. They were left standing next to each other, watching as the staff did the same to the others.

"We'll be going over everything you need to know now." Someone announced out loud. All the girls suddenly paying attention. The three others joining them by the front door.

"You're not allowed to leave the house without permission."

Ryujin grunted.

"Every time you go to the store, you'll have a limited amount of money. We will not give you extra nor help if you run out of supplies so be smart about it. Spend wisely."

"That's just mean." Chaeryeong seemed to be the one to speak, causing Lia to nudge her.

"Filming hours will be from 10am to 10pm. Any other time, the cameras will be turned off. There won't be any crew inside, the only moments when one will be present is when you're outside. Like right now."

"Hold your farting until after 10." Yuna joked, causing Lia to laugh but she still managed to nudged her.

"There might be a time when you'll be given random tasks. We will keep you informed about that. There are communication devices inside so if you hear a voice telling you to do something, you know what it is." The man continued to explain.

"Last but not least, roommates. This will be decided by chance. Inside you'll find the way to do so. One of you will be given a room of her own. You will be allowed to exchange rooms at various points during your stay."

"Okay, that's all. Let's start now. Everyone ready?" He looked around. Suddenly everyone rushed out of frame. Leaving only the five of them.


Ryujin turned to the other girls, feeling really awkward about the situation. She hadn't seen them in years. And now that she did, they were being filmed. How was she supposed to act?

Luckily, she didn't need to figure out what to say because someone else broke the silence.

"Abu!" Yuna yelled out, throwing herself at Ryujin who wasn't really expecting that.

She was expecting something like an awkward hey. Not a tall Yuna crushing her with a tight hug.

"Abu? Really?" She asked, still being crushed by the other's hug. Her face clearly full of offense.

None of it real.

Ryujin had maybe missed Yuna.


"Sorry, you might be a big deal now but you're still our Abu." Yuna defendes, finally letting go of her.

She glanced at the other girls for help. Despite none of them being close to her anymore. Chaeryeong responded with a shrug. Lia offered a smile and Yeji was trying to hold in her laughter.

"Am I being bullied already?"

"You'll get used to it." Chaeryeong said, pulling back Yuna and giving her a hug. Her signature innocent smile present.

'Are they this good at acting or do they not hate me?'

Ryujin was genuinely confused and she's sure that much is apparent to anyone who could see the expression on her face.

"Do I even have a choice?"

"Not really." Lia was the one to respond, replacing Chaeryeong and hugging her.

Once she let go, Lia gave her a smile. One of her close eyed ones. She had always looked adorable smiling like that.

'Maybe they don't hate me?'

'Would it look weird if Yeji and I don't hug?'

"Are you two not going to hug? People might think you hate each other." Yuna spoke out, nudging Yeji towards her.

'Don't.' She screamed inside her head, watching as Yeji hesitantly walked towards her.

'Don't you dare.'

"I see her every day. It's not that big of a deal that we would have to hug." Ryujin tried to save the situation, hoping the others would let it go.

"Camera, can you see these unnies? Isn't it weird?" Yuna spoke again, pointing towards them as she stared at one of the cameras.

She was clearly cornering them. Making it a big deal so they couldn't get away with not hugging each other.

Ryujin rolled her eyes, there was only one way to stop this.

Next thing she knew, she was hugging her ex girlfriend turned manager and it was just as awkward as she had imagined. And maybe a lot warmer than she had thought. But she dismissed the latter thought.

She could spot Yuna displaying a proud smirk, one that was a little too smug for her taste.

'They're going to be the death of me.' Ryujin thought, pulling away from the other girl.

"Time to see the house." Lia announced, before they opened the door and walked inside.

(Author's note: sorry for dividing today's update into all these chapters. I like to divide them according to days or subjects)

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