Chapter 11

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Ryujin was annoyed.

Realistically, she should have predicted this. But it sounded so outlandish that she didn't think much about the possibility. Surely they wouldn't actually be suggesting that. Well, she was wrong. So very wrong.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Her agent asked, hand on her forehead and his expression clearly showing just how annoyed he was. "That she had been one of the members."

"I didn't think it would be relevant. It's been years." She countered, crossing her arms nonchalantly.

He rolled his eyes, "We are having a meeting about it tomorrow."

"What for?" She questioned, huffing. "Just ignore it."

"This could be the best move of your career. If done right, this could generate a lot of attention."

Ryujin rolled her eyes. "Are my sale numbers low?"

"No." He answered.

"Then let this go. I can do it by myself. Let's not discuss this any further."

"With or without you, we are having the meeting tomorrow." He informed, taking a pen and starting to work on whatever was on his desk. "Be there, please."

Her response came in the form of rushing out of his office.

'Fuck that.'

Ryujin should have stopped it before it got to this point but she didn't.

It all started the day she had to catch a flight to go and film some advertisement that had been scheduled for a while. Somehow, her fans that had been at the airport, caught sight of Yeji and suddenly everyone was going crazy over her.

'Whatever. If you all knew how shitty she is, you wouldn't be thirsting over her.'

She was annoyed, maybe even a bit mad, but she didn't do anything about it.

Eventually, it seemed like the attention had died down. Although, Yeji had a following now.

Well, a bigger one. She used to have a small following when they were part of ITZY but since that ended, most people had moved on. She only seemed to have very few people who kept up with her since then. Now, her followers kept increasing.

Yes, Ryujin had checked a few times. Yes, she hated herself for doing so.

Although, Yeji seemed not to accept them into her instagram.

It was all irrelevant as far as she was concerned.

Until the dance cover was posted.

Suddenly, everyone was talking about them. Both of them.

'How did I not see it coming?'

The fact was, she expected Yeji to get some attention. Hell, the cat-eyed girl had always been able to capture those who watched her dance. Including Ryujin. It came as no surprise that people thought she was amazing and extremely attractive.

But the amount of those speaking about her...

Okay, that wasn't actually the main issue here.

Yeji got some attention? Okay, cool. Whatever.

There were two things that were bothering her even more than that.

First, people noticed their chemistry. Which means, people started being all delusional and thinking they're dating. Or that they should date. She even noticed they had come up with a couple name for them. Yes, surprisingly it was the same the rest of the ITZY members had called them back in college. Yes, it absolutely bothered her. Yes, she got drunk upon finding out.

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