Chapter 32

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It was their turn to go out and buy groceries. Her, Yeji and Lia.

Honestly, things weren't that bad so she was okay with it.

Especially because Yeji didn't seem to remember what she had asked when she was drunk. Which, she was thankful for.

Ryujin felt slightly conflicted over it though. But she kept pushing those feelings away. She would deal with them whenever they were out of that house.

Yeji had taken the role of their leader, as she once had. Going around the store and picking up everything necessary.

While Lia and her were only given one task. To choose the snacks. It pained Yeji, as they all knew that was her favorite thing. But she argued that both her and Lia would be slower than her and they only had ten minutes in the store. They both offered to help but Yeji proceeded to say that they would probably be more of a distraction.

Lia was holding her arm, both of them happily strolling through the store as they looked at the snacks.

She made sure to get Yeji's favorites.

When they met up with Yeji at the cashier, she couldn't help but notice her expression. She didn't seem happy about her choices. In fact, she seemed almost upset.

"Did you not like the ones we brought?" Ryujin asked, confused.

Yeji shook her head. "It's fine. Don't worry."


"Yeji, you're in a mood today. Lighten up. We got snacks." Lia said almost as if she was singing the words, finally letting go of Ryujin and hugging Yeji.

"Are you sure you're not the maknae?" Yeji asked, shaking her body to try and make Lia stop hugging her.

It didn't work.

Ryujin stood there handing the items to the cashier, her whiskers smile making an appearance.

"I'm not the one sulking." Lia countered, hugging Yeji tighter.

The cat eyed girl accepted defeat, pouting as she stopped moving and gave into the arms around her.

Lia placing her chin on Yeji's, shoulder but almost having to tip toe to do so.

Ryujin found the whole scene strangely endearing, unable to stop herself from smiling.

"Sorry, I'm babysitting today." She told the cashier, casually leaning over towards them.

Earning herself a slap on the arm from each girl.


Ryujin isn't sure how it got to this. But she's in a inflatable duck with Yeji holding onto her and it's a lot.

'Thank god that I have a t-shirt on.' She thought to herself as she felt Yeji's body against her.

"Stop moving. You're going to tip us over." Yeji yelled, after Ryujin posed for a photo.

"Stop being a baby. It's just water."

Yeji huffed, "It will mess my hair."

"You mean your double poop hairstyle?"

Yeji pushed her, immediately holding her tightly afterwards as she had seemingly forgotten they were on the inflatable duck.

"You're so rude."

"You almost knocked us over."

"You insulted my hair."

"I was being honest."


"Shut up or I'll knock this duck over."

"You'd go over too."

"I'm willing to get wet for this."

Yeji pouted. Ryujin knew this because she peaked, turning her head slightly.

She didn't think that through because suddenly they lost their balance and were under water. Ryujin surfaced first, brushing her hair back with her hands. Then an angry Yeji showed up, spitting water before yelling.

"You suck."

"Yeah, yeah." Ryujin rolled her eyes in response.

"Oh. I think I lost my sunglasses." Yeji pouted, again.

"It's not the ocean, Yeji. They're just underneath you." Ryujin countered, rolling her eyes yet again.

Yeji was still pouting.

"I hate you." She whispered before diving underwater and getting Yeji's sunglasses.

As she handed over the sunglasses, Yeji smiled brightly. "Maybe you don't suck, actually."

Ryujin splashed her and suddenly they were in an intense water fight. The others joining then soon after.

 The others joining then soon after

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