Chapter 46

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(Author's note: wondering what are your feelings on Yeji and the whole situation after the last chapter so leave them here pls)

Her agent was staring at her, he looked about as over it as she felt.

Ryujin knew she had never looked worse. Not in any of the years she had been famous. Looks were important after all. And she always made sure to look presentable.

So, it came as a shock to everyone when she was seen walking into her company in sweatpants, a hoodie she hadn't really changed since a few days ago, messy hair and the biggest dark circles.

She was sat at her agent's office now. After he called her far too many times before she even considered picking up.

"I don't understand, Ryujin."

She sighed, not wanting to explain it to him.

"You threatened to resign to make this happen."

"I'm well aware."

"So what happened? I only see four signed contracts."

Ryujin shrugged. What happened? She was dumb enough to think she could change things.

There's a reason why the world is the way it is.

Some people are born with the means and power to shape the world to their will. Others are not.

She was not.

"Just forget about it."

Her agent sighed, before handing her some papers.

"It was either all of us, or none. So we will be continuing with your solo project instead. Here is a list of possible songs for the comeback. We'll be going over them soon but study the lyrics ahead of time."

Ryujin looked at the paper with disinterest. These days she couldn't be bothered with such things.

These days music couldn't make her happy.

"I have to go now. There's going to be a change in ownership of the label, if you're wondering. It shouldn't affect you in the slightest though."

Ryujin hummed. She didn't give a shit about any of it.

Though, she was recalled of Yeonjun saying his parents owned the label. Maybe they had sold it.

Honestly? She didn't care enough to speculate on it.

It didn't matter. The threat, or warning, against her career to stay away from him and Yeji was pointless now.

They had been married for nearly two weeks now.

She got up from the seat and left the office after her agents did so. Knowing damn well every single person in there was staring at her.

'Fuck off.'

There were televisions in the lobby of the floor where her agent's office was and it seemed that some people were interested about whatever was on.

'Choi incorporate assigns new CEO.'

The headline caught her attention.

So the new CEO wouldn't just own her agency, but everything Choi incorporate owned.

Why would they do that?

They were so obsessed with their business. Why would they sell it to anyone else?

Then she saw it.


Yeonjun, next to his parents.

Yeonjun, signing documents.

Yeonjun, becoming the new owner of Choi industries.

'He owns my agency.'


She moved closer, spotting Yeji. She was standing not too far from Yeonjun and his family.

Ryujin noticed the ring and it felt like she had been shot right in the heart.

It has been almost two weeks since they had been married. She knew that. But seeing it was something else.

It hurt in a different type of way.

'Isn't he too young?'

'I read that he's not even thirty yet.'

'Rumor has it that his father is dying.'

Ryujin heard the people whispering about the news and wondered if there was any truth to such words.

But ultimately, it didn't matter. She scoffed, walking away from it all.

None of it mattered.

A month before she had been so hopeful that her idea would work, that she could make Yeji happy and have her in her life again.

Now, Yeji was married to her childhood friend that was now her boss.

Fucking great.

'Can my life become a bigger joke?'

Truth was, after reading Yeji's letter, she came to understand her actions.

Their actions.

Ryujin didn't hate them. Not anymore.

They had been victims of circumstances. Pawns to their families.

How could she hate them for trying to make the best of a terrible situation?

She supposes that they must have fell in love at some point. She's not sure when. Maybe they didn't start their relationship by caring for each other or even by their own free will. But maybe, along the way, through all the acting and pretending, Yeji and Yeonjun fell for each other.

When it hurts the most, that's what she tells herself.

Because, as long as she's happy, Ryujin will accept it.

As long as she's happy.

She looked happy earlier on tv. She looked happier than she had seen her in a long time.

Ryujin found herself smiling although it hurt.

Her day would be spent on the practice room. She's not even sure why because these days she barely had the motivation to move, let alone dance or sing.

Hours later, she was still there, as the sun was starting to set.

She had only taken a break to eat something.

Yeji's voice echoing on her mind earlier when she had thought about skipping her meals. The one she used when she had been her manager and would force her to feed herself.

Ryujin smiled at the thought but there was a pain in her smile.

It had been just over two weeks since she had last seen Yeji, at the house on their last day of shooting. Less than that when she had received her letter.

This was only the start. The first weeks of a lifetime without Hwang Yeji.

"Fuck you." She yelled at the top of her lungs, not at anyone in specific but at the universe.

For having brought the woman she loves back into her life, only to take her away again.

Then, she received a call for her agent.

"I don't know what you did, Ryujin. But come to my office immediately. Let's not keep our new CEO waiting."

Wait. What?

(Author's note: hmm guess? )

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