Chapter 40

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Ryujin did her best to keep up the truces they had. She would likely not see Yeji again after the show ended. So she wanted to leave things off in a good place.

Or as good as possible.

So they laughed, joked around, smiled at each other, sometimes even found themselves nearly cuddling. Until one would move.

It was hard how easy it was.

The first time Ryujin had seen Yeji since their break up, her heart was filled with nothing but pain and anger.

That was still present and yet, she had slowly came to terms with the fact that she would always care for Hwang Yeji.

Isn't that funny?

She hates Hwang Yeji. Yet she cares about her.

Maybe she was right to say the universe has a sense of humor.

Ryujin doesn't know if she would ever be able to forgive the other. But that didn't prevent her from still caring.

That's the thing, though, isn't it?

She loved Hwang Yeji so much when they were younger. At the time it could have been dismissed as something silly like those relationships young people have. Where they think they love the other and then later on realize it wasn't that serious.

But that's not the case for her.

She loved Hwang Yeji.

It was that serious.

And even after she backstabbed her in the most brutal of ways, even after she stubbornly refused to explain why, even after she never apologized...

Ryujin still had love for her.

Maybe she always would.

It took her damn long to realize that all that hatred and not moving on had been because she still cared about the other woman.

"A warning." She whispered to herself, scoffing.

'Fuck your warning, Yeonjun.'

Yeji was currently sleeping on the couch, after the k-drama they had been watching had finished. It was just her, Yeji and Lia.

The others were watching a movie in the movie theater.

Lia was tired, barely awake and mumbling something that sounded like a goodnight before disappearing into her room.

Leaving Ryujin on the couch with a passed out Yeji.

Maybe she should wake her up.

Or should she just cover her with a blanket and let her sleep?

Should Ryujin carry her to bed?

Why was she asking herself such questions?She knew that she would feel bad about doing either one of the first two options.

"Fuck me, I guess." She whispered, moving to get a hold of Yeji.

The older girl was taller but Ryujin had always been strong. It was never particularly difficult for her to carry Yeji or anyone else. She did so with ease. Only struggling when it came to opening the bedroom door.

She tried to transition Yeji from her lap to the bed smoothly as to not wake her up. But for some reason the other held unto her hoodie. It was rather adorable, as much as she hated to admit so. She looked like a baby gripping unto something as she slept.


Ryujin gulped, her eyes widening at the word. She wasn't sure if that had actually been said by a sleeping Yeji, or if her mind was playing tricks on her.

She tried to move again, but Yeji just wouldn't let go. Then she began to try and use her hand to take Yeji's off of her.

Causing the other to grunt and open her eyes slightly. Ryujin could tell she wasn't fully awake though.

"Hey." She whispered, awkwardly.

As if she had been caught red handed.

Yeji smiled, her dimple in full display. Pulling Ryujin unto her.

'Oh god.'

She was struggling.

Her position was rather strange in that moment. She was standing with her legs bent but kind of had her upper half laying against part of the bed and part of Yeji.

That was weird.


The other mumbled something.

Ryujin sighed, pouting.


The other opened her eyes again, barely but they were open.

Another smile.

What the hell is she doing?

"Yeji. Please let me go."

Ryujin pouted again.

The other let go off her.

"I don't wanna let go." It was a mumbled whisper but she heard it. Part of her wished she hadn't.

Yeah, no.

The devil works hard. But Hwang Yeji works harder.

Why did Yeji always mess with her damn emotions?

(Author's note: a bit of a filler chapter)

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