Chapter 18

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Maybe her afternoon hadn't been so bad.

Maybe she had genuinely laughed and smiled a few times.

Probably because she had focused on Lia, Yuna and Chaeryeong. Ignoring Yeji's presence even if she was included in everything they did.

They spent hours outside, messing around and relaxing by the pool together.

Yet, they never exchanged more than a few glances.

The outside world would have their first episode of the show airing in a day and she might be a little nervous about how she would be portrayed in it.

But what did they know? As far as everyone knows she's just awkward about being filmed like this. And maybe a bit antisocial. Which wouldn't surprise most people. Considering she was known for being a loner in the industry. Barely having interacted with anyone else during her career. There was the occasional mention of her music or admiring her but there was nobody mentioning they were friends. Ryujin kept to herself. Everyone knew that. She's sure it came as a shock that she even had 'friends' to do this show with.

She thought back to the conversations that she had while the cameras were on. None of it had context and never was the real issue mentioned out loud. As good as her fans were at picking up clues, she doubted they'd pull out the truth from the things that were actually said in front of the cameras.

Maybe they'd sense how uncomfortable she was. How she avoided the other girls. Always looking to be alone. But then they'd see her busy practicing and hopefully it made her seem hard working and dedicated. Not like a bitch.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Chaeryeong asked, she was laying on the pool chair besides hers. On her other side was Lia. Yuna next to Chaeryeong and Yeji next to Lia's.

"Just thinking about how the episode will be airing tomorrow. I bet everyone will think I'm rude."

"I'm sure they'll just consider that this situation would be uncomfortable for everyone. Some more than others. Having your daily life be filmed like this isn't easy." Chaeryeong winked at her.

She was playing along. Chaeryeong has always been good at picking up on cues. She's thankful for that in this moment.

'Thank you, Chae.'

"Besides, you've been pretty private throughout your career. This is completely out of your comfort zone."

Ryujin raised her eyebrow at Chaeryeong who was smiling at her. "You've been following my career?"

"Of course." She casually replied, closing her eyes and facing the sun. As if there was no weight to her words. But there was. So much of it.

Ryujin was shocked and it took her a second to compose herself and look away for Chaeryeong. She focused on the clouds, her sunglasses protecting her eyes as she looked up.

"You know you never stopped being one of us, right?" Lia said casually. Not even glancing in her direction.

Ryujin looked at her, seeing Lia laying there with her relaxed and expensive aura. As if she was a millionaire heiress on vacation in an exotic island. And she was acting as if she hadn't just dropped a fucking bomb of emotions on her.

"But I did."

"So did Yeji." She countered.

Lia 1 vs Ryujin 0

'Well played.'

"Why do you think we didn't continue as ITZY?"

"Because your leader left?" Her tone wasn't that of a question but one of an obvious statement.

"Because you both left." Yuna offered, nearly yelling from besides Chaeryeong.

"I guess." Ryujin let out softly, looking up again.

Yeji had been silent the entire time. Ryujin hadn't even dared to look in her direction. She didn't want to see what expression she had during this conversation.

But suddenly she broke the silence and shocked everyone there. But mostly Ryujin. Who never would have thought she would be hearing those words coming from Hwang Yeji. Not after everything.

"It isn't ITZY if there's someone missing." She suddenly said, sitting on her chair. Ryujin didn't dare to look at her. Thank god for the sunglasses because her eyes were widened a considerable amount at the moment, as she avoided looking at her ex.

She could tell the other had walked away just as she finished speaking, taking the towel with her. The corner of her eyes catching a glimpse of a moving figure. Ryujin finally dared to move her gaze once she was out of her vision field meeting Lia's gaze, who looked just as shocked as she did.

 Ryujin finally dared to move her gaze once she was out of her vision field meeting Lia's gaze, who looked just as shocked as she did

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