Chapter 43

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They were roommates.

Ryujin should have seen it coming, judging by how unlucky she tended to be.

She should have known that Yeji and her would eventually be roommates.

The week before the other got married.

She keeps saying it, but it's true, the universe is a comedian.

It was their first night as roommates and Ryujin was honestly considering taking her pillow, a blanket and sleeping somewhere else. Anywhere else.

How was she expected to sleep in the same bed as her ex girlfriend who she both hated and loved and found very attractive?

'Fuck me.'

Yeji seemed to sense her hesitation because she was looking at her with an understanding expression.

'I hate this.'

'I hate that she can read me so easily when I can't figure out anything about her.'

"I can sleep on the floor." Yeji offered.

As if Ryujin would ever suggest or allow for that to happen. Even if the other was suggesting such thing, she's sure that Yeji knows she would never let her sleep on the floor.

She's dumb if she thinks otherwise.

Ryujin rolled her eyes, finally moving to the bed and laying down on what would be her side.

They had wordlessly agreed on their side of the bed. Which might actually be the same as back when they lived together and shared a bed every night.

Neither of them seemed to notice it though.

It came naturally. Without any thought or effort.

Just as when they would cook or share the bathroom together when getting ready. Wordlessly moving without being in the way or passing each other whatever item was necessary before the other would even ask.

It was easy.

They purposefully avoided laying facing each other, instead opting to turn the other way.

Maybe it would make it easier on her heart. Maybe nothing could ease what she felt.

About an hour must have passed before any of them said a word. They had been laying in the dark and as much as Ryujin wanted to sleep, she couldn't.

"Ryujin." It came in the form of the smallest of whispers and she wondered if Yeji was hoping that she would already be asleep.

She doesn't really know why, but she didn't respond.

Maybe it was because whatever the other tended to say during the night, always hurt her or made her feel things she shouldn't be feeling.

It would be easier if she ignored it. If she didn't move. If Yeji thought she had fallen asleep.

Minutes passed in silence before the other spoke again.

"I'll be a better person, Ryuddaeng." She whispered again.

This time even lower. Ryujin could barely tell what she had said and she definitely didn't understand the meaning behind it.

Then again, when did she understand Yeji?

Ever since finding out about the cheating, Yeji had become an enigma to Ryujin.

Something she deeply wanted to understand but couldn't quite decipher.

Sometimes she would get a word out of her, a hint, something that would give her hope. Then she would finally realize that it was nothing compared to the mystery that was Hwang Yeji.

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