Chapter 47

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Ryujin walked into that office out of nothing but obligation. If Yeonjun weren't her new boss, she would have walked away as fast as possible.

"Here she is. Sorry that she kept you waiting."

"It's okay, Mr..." Yeonjun waited for her agent to provide his name.


"Mr. Kim." He smiled, it was clearly a fake smile he used only to look polite.

Maybe her agent couldn't tell, but she could.

"If you don't mind, I would like to have a word with Miss Shin alone."

"Yes, of course." Her agent started to leave, bowing before turning to her, mouthing something she assumed to be 'behave' before leaving the office.

Ryujin was glaring at him, how dare he walk in there like that? All smug and mighty.

"Are you thinking of punching me like last time I saw you?" He asked, sitting casually on the desk. "Do not. Please hear me out."

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "I don't really have a choice, do I?"

He shrugged, "No, you don't." Yeonjun motioned towards the chair, looking at her expectantly.

She huffed, moving to sit on the chair.

"I want to start off by thanking you. For not showing up at the wedding."

Ryujin rolled her eyes, getting ready to get up and leave.

"Stop." Yeonjun raises his voice slightly, making her stop her movements and sit back down.

He ran a hair through his face before speaking again. Looking to be struggling with his words. Instead of speaking again, he gave her an envelope.

She looked at him curiously, raising her eyebrow as she opened it and reached for its content.

"Yeji's contract. Signed." Yeonjun smiled, "Today was the last day I believe. Not that deadlines matter now that I own the agency."

What now?

Yeji's what?





Yeonjun chuckled.

Ryujin could only stare in confusion.

"I think it's my turn to explain but I'm not good with letters."

"You know?"

"About the letter? Of course."

Right. Okay.

"Let me start from the beginning and please don't interrupt. I know you'll want to, at times. But allow me to tell you everything. Then you can curse me out of here if you want."

Ryujin nodded, "Get it over with."

"You already know I met Yeji before you did. We lied about it. We kept meeting up without letting you know. You have to understand that, at the time, that seemed like the best option.

You never cared about business so you probably weren't aware but my parents own a lot of companies, including this agency. Yeji's parents were doing well at the time and they were growing fast.

I've always said there's only two things my parents cared for and loved, money and their reputation.

Once they set their mind in making Yeji and I be together, there was nothing that would have stopped them. It was like a game for them. And they never lost.

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