Chapter 36

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Ryujin was excited to go home to Yeji after a long day.

Lately, things had been strange between them and she had no idea why that was. Maybe it had something to do with Yeji seemingly acting unlike herself most of the time. She just didn't know what was causing it.

She wanted to help her. To cheer her up. Ryujin was pretty sure that whatever got Yeji in such a mood, had to do with her parents. So, instead of bringing it up and causing yet another fight. She would get Yeji her favorite food and maybe they can have a movie night while cuddling up together.

Nothing could have prepared her for what she encountered as she executed her plan.

Ryujin walked inside Yeji's favorite restaurant. She had called beforehand, as she left her last class, to order all her favorite dishes. She was almost skipping as she walked, a whisker smile on her face as she happily walked up to where she was to pick up the food. The earphones in her ears playing some loud song that reminded her of her girlfriend. Because she had been the one to show it to her.

Suddenly, she turned around, after the man had told her he would be right back with her order.

That's when she saw it.

Right there, in a barely lit corner of Yeji's favorite restaurant.

At first Ryujin thought she must be seeing things, blinking once, then twice.

No, that was Yeji.

And Yeonjun.

Then she noticed as he moved next to her on the booth.

Ryujin was frozen in place. Unable to do anything but stare at what was happening in front of her.

She started to think of excuses.

'Maybe they're planning a surprise for me.'

'I guess they wanted to get closer because of me.'

Then she saw him place his hand over Yeji's.

Ryujin's heart started to race at the sight. Not knowing what to do, she could only continue watching, hoping it wouldn't get any worse than that.

She saw as they looked at each other and that's when she knew.

She swallowed, hard. Ryujin knew exactly what was about to happen.

She saw it as if it were in slow motion. Each fragment of a second prolonging as if the world wanted to torture her.

Yeonjun kissed Yeji.

Ryujin still hadn't moved and those two still hadn't noticed her.

Yeji didn't run away or yell at him. Ryujin was hoping that she would, with every fiber of her being. Please, do something Yeji.

But she didn't. Instead, she sat there. Allowing him to kiss her. Even closing her eyes at the contact.

They stopped a moment later and Ryujin was barely holding herself together at that point, her hand grabbing a hold of the counter.

Then they kissed again.

That's when she finally moved.

Ryujin wanted to confront them, she did. But it would be too difficult.

She had to process what she had just seen.

She needed to walk.

To get fresh hair.

To think.

Ryujin hadn't noticed until she left that she had been crying.

Not until she could taste her salty tears.

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