Chapter 8

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There must be a problem with the air conditioner in this fucking practice room because Ryujin was sweating. A lot.

She felt hot and short of breath, her breathing seemed heavy. She took breaks more often to drink water and catch her breath.

It was unlike her.

Practicing went well, though. But that was exactly what was causing these problems.

Practicing was going perfectly. Everything just fell into place right from the moment it started.

Yeji knew the choreography, she didn't lie about that. She was doing even better than the other dancers who had already started to go over it beforehand. And her moves... She had been the dance crew leader for a reason. Every time she moved, she nailed it.

Not to mention the expression on her face. If looks could make one combust, she wouldn't exist right now. Looking at Yeji was difficult. No matter how much she had hurt her, the woman was still the most attractive person she had ever seen. That much would never change. No amount of heartbreak could change the fact Hwang Yeji was, and still is, the best looking person she ever laid her eyes on.

Then there's another problem. That is the fact that her and Yeji still danced together as they once had. Like they were made to do so. It was so apparent to anyone who would catch sight of them. Even she noticed it. They were always in sync. This was the first day they had practiced together in years and yet it's as if they had never stopped. They moved as one and it was a sight to behold.

Although she decided it would be better not to acknowledge the fact. Dismissing it as them just being amazing dancers. That's how it goes, right? You put two amazing dancers in a stage together and it automatically looks this good. Right?

After all, they were perfect partners on stage but that's the limit of their chemistry. Or else why would Yeji have done what she did?

Maybe dancing along with Yeji was bringing forth all sorts of thoughts and feelings she had tried so hard to get rid of. Maybe she was reminded of the moments they had together.

How they first met. The time they spent practicing and performing together. The fun they had in practice rooms. How Ryujin first kissed Yeji mid routine. How the last time they saw each other was in a practice room.

Practice rooms, dance, and them had a long history. One that felt like knives stabbing into her heart and back as it reminded her of the love she felt and the betrayal she had suffered through.

So maybe she was struggling right now. Because all she could think about was how they move like they're meant to do this together. How the other looks when she dances. How attracted she-

'Stop.' She chugged the better part of her water bottle, thinking about how this will be the cause of her premature death.

Yeji walked up to her, a smile on her face despite the hours they had spent dancing. She is probably exhausted but as always, she's still smiling. That hadn't changed.

"I know I'm only twenty-four, but I think I'm getting old."

"You're my age." Ryujin says in a monotone voice, her expression as blank as her deep voice.

"We're getting old then."

"Speak for yourself." She grabbed a towel and placed it around the back of her neck, holding it on either side.

"I haven't been dancing much." Yeji confessed, even though Ryujin hadn't asked. "Thanks for allowing me the opportunity."

She chose to stay silent. Not knowing exactly what to say. She had told the other only to speak about professional matters with her. Would this be qualified as one?

Yeji offered a small smile, in all honesty, it looked really awkward. "You didn't have to, so thank you. For believing in me."

Ryujin didn't want the other to think she had offered this out of the kindness of her heart or whatever bullshit she was telling herself. She didn't need Yeji to think she had been forgiven or that they were in good terms.

She needed her. As a manager and dancer. That's all there is to it.

"It's not like I had much of a choice. You were simply the best option." She dismisses, grabbing her belongings and retiring for the day.

She didn't dare to look back. Knowing Yeji, the other would surely be looking taken back by her statement. Perhaps even hurt.

Then again, maybe she didn't know Yeji at all. And after everything, would such words even affect Yeji? Did she even care?


She didn't.

'Are you dumb? Why would she care?'

Ryujin laughed to herself. Why was she even thinking the other cared about anything pertaining Ryujin?

'Cheaters don't care.'

(Author's note: plot twist? Unless you had already guessed)

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