Chapter 45

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(Author's note: there are lyrics in italics for a song I wanted to include in this chapter. You should listen to it while reading it or afterwards)

Ryujin woke up in cold sweats. Surely from whatever nightmare left her mind the moment she opened her eyes.

Checking the time, she realized just how early it was. 6am. The sun had risen not too long ago but she could already hear birds chirping outside.

She didn't know what to do with herself. Would going back to sleep be easier? Would keeping her mind busy by practicing help?

She's not even sure if there is anything that would ease her mind. That would keep her from imagining what would be happening in a few hours.

Her mother had sent her a text asking why she wouldn't be attending the wedding. Ryujin didn't have the heart to explain why nor the strength to lie about it.

Yeonjun and Yeji would be married at 11am. In five hours. And there wasn't a thing she could do about it. Or that she would.

Even if she took on the role of the asshole this time around, went to the venue where the wedding was being held, and told Yeji that she objected to the whole thing... what then?

This is what she wanted. And Ryujin couldn't do anything about it.

She was happy they were happy but miserable at the same time.

Ryujin decided to take a shower. Maybe it would help her ease her mind. It would at the very least relax her slightly.

She got dressed, put on make up and sat down on her living room.

"Why did I get dressed?" She asked herself, as if she didn't know the answer to her own question.

Was it fair of her? To show up there? Probably not. It would maybe make things weird. Especially since she wasn't invited. But maybe she needed to see it happen.

Maybe it would help her finally let go of her feelings for Hwang Yeji.

That's when someone rang the doorbell downstairs.

It was only 7am, far too early for someone to be at her door.

'That's weird.'

She moved to the device showing her who was downstairs and noticed it was a man that she had never seen before.

"Who is this?"

"Shin Ryujin? I have a delivery."

"Yes. A delivery?"

"Yes. Should I go up or would you like me to leave it in the mail. I was told it was somewhat of a time sensitive matter."

"You can come up."

She opened the door and anxiously waited for the man to show up at her front door.

He didn't look like a delivery man. The man was wearing a nice suit, she doesn't think such a thing is very common in people who deliver items.

"Shin Ryujin?"

"That would be me, yes."

She stepped out of her apartment.

He held out a letter for her to hold.

"A letter?"

The man only nodded and smiled. "I believe the instructions were to make sure you receive it and read it before you, and I am quoting, do something impulsive."


She quickly thanked the man, bowing before getting inside and closing her front door so she could start reading the letter.

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