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Monday October 22nd
It was a chilly morning as the season of winter had just begun, Jihyun stepped on the fallen leaves on the floor enjoying the sound of the crunch when her foot hit them, the cold nipped her skin and the wind blew her hair into her face.

She didn't mind it too much though she liked winter, she loved the feeling of the holidays being near and the sense of family that came with it, it reminded her of the great childhood memories she had of this time of year. She also liked wrapping up, wearing the baggy clothes and big jackets and she found hats and scarves quite fashionable.

It was an early morning around maybe 8am she wasn't too sure she was just trying to walk fast so she could get to school on time, the streets weren't that busy fortunately just the occasional car that flew by throwing another waft cold wind at her.

She felt herself speed up when she saw the school building in the distance, she was in her last year of high school and she was very happy that she could leave the place soon, she could've left last year as she had gotten all the qualifications she needed to go to university but her parents made her stay for another year.

On the other side of town there was someone not feeling too happy about the whole change of season. He stomped out of his house slamming the door shut on the way too.

He threw his hood over his head and placed his ear buds into his ears and closed off from reality for just a few seconds it was the only way he could and that's why he had grown so in love to music.

As he was walking to school he felt the cold start to nip his finders and cheeks  as he had nothing to protect them with, the longer he was out there the more his fingers felt numb and his cheeks turn a deep shade of red from the reaction of the cold.

He sometimes hates how far away he lives from school and it's not like he wants to go anyway but he knows it's the only way that he will be able to leave his house and to get a decent job in the future, he didn't do too bad at school he got decent grades enough to get him into university but they weren't outstanding.

He reached the school building and he felt the warmth when he walked in sending a little chill up his spine as he enjoyed it. He pulled his hood down and started to walk through the hallway.

Him and Jihyun arrived at the same time but barely noticed each other, Jihyun walked straight in and quickly ran to her group of friends giving them a little hug, she missed them even though they saw each other a few days ago.

There's four of them all together there's Jihyun the shy and smart one, ryujin the funny and outgoing one, deahwi the loud and talented one and jeongin the cute and hardworking one. They all met back in middle school and they've been close since, Jihyun has different bonds with all of them she would see ryujin as her best friend but also would trust jeongin more.

If she was upset she'd go to deawhi as he always knew how to make anyone smile and they would come to her for advice as she was given the titille of the 'wise jihyun' by her friends.

But when she was talking to her friends she didn't notice the cold stare going towards her and her friends. Beomgyu thought it was stupid that people would be excited to see each other after a few days, he feels like if he doesn't need anyone why should anyone else.

If Beomgyu was being honest he felt invisible sometimes he felt like he didn't exist, no one would even make eye contact with him, he didn't fit in and he knew that from day one and decided to isolate himself from everyone there and pushing everyone away because he thinks no one will understand.

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