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Beomgyu couldn't even enjoy the feeling of being welcomed because his self consciousness got the better of him."im sorry you had to listen to this, I'll go" Beomgyu raised from his seat and tries to walk away but a hand with a firm grip grabbed a hold of his wrist.

"Why?" She asks confused on to why he wanted to leave "I get it you're probably not interested, I know you don't want to spend time with me I promise you don't have to waste it on me I'm sorry"

"You don't need to be sorry, I was the one who asked and I want you to know that I'm always hear for you. You can always come and talk to me and I'll always listen, I care and I'm here" she explains to him and he could already feel the walls he built around himself shattering one by one.

Beomgyu walks back and takes the seat next to her again feeling more comfortable around the girls presence. "So... what about your family, you listened to me so can I listen to you?" He asks her unsure of how she'd respond.

Jihyun went quiet not sure if she should tell him "it's completely fine if you don't want to tell me I-" Jihyun cut the older boy off. "It's fine I'll tell you" she says to him quietly, she also found herself fiddling a bit but Beomgyu waited patiently.

"Well my family isn't the most perfect either" she starts not knowing how to continue "my parents are almost never home and when they are they never acknowledge me" she stops and looks a Beomgyu and see's how focused he is on listening to her making her heart melt at the sight.

"And umm when they are gone they don't even respond to my calls and texts. All I get is a credit card a a note saying to buy what I need. I don't even think they'll be back for Christmas this year" Jihyun sighs disappointed but also felt relief, relief from being able to confess about how she was feeling.

"You can come to me too" he says out of nowhere surprising Jihyun "what do you mean?" She asks him not sure if he truly meant what he said and needing clarification. "You can always come and talk to me about your problems, I can listen to yours and you can listen to mine"

Jihyun nods "you really don't need to do this you know that?" Jihyun asks Beomgyu wanting time make sure that he knew he wasn't forced into this and he could back out any time he liked, she only wanted him to feel comfortable.

"I know but I haven't felt like this in a long time" he replies to her "felt like what?" She asks curious of what's going on in that head of his. "I don't know how to describe it but it's nice and I feel it around you, only you."

Jihyun felt her heartbeat quicken not only by Beomgyu's words but at the intense gaze that he and her were sharing. She quickly tries to shake the feeling off, the last thing she wants is a relationship and she definitely doesn't need feeling for someone to muck up her studies.

"Oh that's right what happened with what happened a month ago, why did your dad do that?" She asks him trying to change the subject but to also try to get to know more about his situation. She can't stress enough how much she actually cares for this boy.

"Oh well..." he thinks for a while trying to recall the moment from his memories. "I got home from school and you know my parents were fighting as usual, my dad got hungry and demanded me to make his toast and I ended up burning the toast and he wasn't the happiest about it..."

"Wait to he did what he did to you cause you burnt toast?!" Jihyun was absolutely flabbergasted by that, how could someone physically abuse their own son for burning toast?! "Oh my god" she whispers out but Beomgyu still heard it. He felt guilty again he didn't want to make her stressed with his own problems.

"I'm sorry again, for dragging you into this" Beomgyu apologises for the millionth time making Jihyun playfully hit him on the arm making him flinch and her panic "oh my god I didn't mean to scare you, I didn't mean any harm in that it's just a thing that friends do when they joke or something like that" she began to ramble.

"Woah chill it's ok, it's just I'm not used to being touched by people" he responds but there was a small smile on his lips

'She really does care' he thought.

It's my first morning post :)
Also I hope everyone is happy and well right now

Who is your txt bias?
Mines taehyun ^-^

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