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Jihyun walked into school still blushing a bit from soobin earlier. No one really knew about her small feelings for that boy but as time went on she felt them growing little by little especially in the past few years but recently she found herself thinking of someone else, someone new, choi beomgyu.

Speaking of which she hadn't seen yet, she looked around hoping to find the boy she was looking for but unfortunately didn't. She put it past her mind and started to make her way to find her friends. She found them in the distance and gave them a wave.

The hallways were empty as her and her friends always got there around an hour before school actually started but they liked the extra time they could spend with each other. "Hey Jihyun what's up with the pink cheeks?" Daehwi pointed out making her realise her cheeks are still red.

"Oh it's nothing" she tries to brush it off. The truth is, is that none of her friends know soobin and her little crush for him. Her friends are very protective of her and whenever she has a crush they always try to drag them apart so now she's a bit scared that they'll drag her away from soobin.

They all decided not to press her anymore about how her cheeks were red and went back onto talking about whatever they were talking about before yet Jihyun didn't really join the conversation "Hey Jihyun are you okay you've been pretty out of it recently" Ryujin took her to the side a bit.

"Yeah I'm fine just my parents you know" Jihyun tries to convince Ryujin and herself that, that was the reason why she was so different recently "are you sure, you know you can tell me anything" Ryujin double checks on her friend.

"I'm sure, it's probably because I got no warning this time I was excited that I was going to see them" Jihyun send Ryujin a small smile trying her best to convince her that she was fine and there was nothing to worry about.

"Okay I understand remember you can always talk to us about it, we're here to listen" Jihyun felt her heart warm up she was really lucky to have such caring friends and she was aware of that and she never took it for granted, she always tried her best to be there for her friends too.

"I know and I will" Jihyun responds to her. "Sorry to interrupt your conversation ladies but we have class to get too" Jeongin interrupted. Jihyun checked her watch and widened her eyes realising how quickly time had went by since she got there.

"You guys go ahead I'll meet you there" Jihyun told the group and they hesitated at first but all went after a while. Jihyun stayed behind she didn't even need anything from her locker she just felt like she should something in her conscience told her to.

She stood there for a while wondering if she should go to class and as she was about to turn and walk away she saw someone in the distance. She turned to face him her eyes widening and mouth opening seeing him along with the other students who saw him too.

Beomgyu walked into school with a bruised jaw and the side of his eye black. He received tons of disapproving looks and glances into he way to school making him more insecure than he already was about it. He wasn't even sure what he had done wrong to deserve it but his dad came home yesterday in an extra bad mood.

It's became a common thing now for Beomgyu, his dad gets angrier everyday and his mum becomes more judgmental and picky. The two bicker at each other all day and all night sometimes stopping Beomgyu from getting any sleep.

When Beomgyu walked into school he started to notice all the unwanted attention he was getting. The students stood there in shock looking at him, he thought they were over reacting it wasn't like he was in crutches or anything. He turned his head the other way and accidentally met eyes with the familiar girl.

Damn guys double update!
I love writing this so much I hope you guys love reading it more. I already have my idea for my next txt fanfic so I'm going to start writing plans for it soon. I hope you guys stay for it!

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