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Beomgyu spent days trying to come up with a plan to confess his feelings and you'd think by know he would have some sort of idea of what he would do. But unfortunately he didn't, all the scripts he wrote were too cringey and all the plans he had immediately felt stupid.

However today was the day he's finally get the courage to do it, he was going to confess his feeling today. It's now the 31st of December and he finally felt like he was ready to do it. He wanted to spend the next year with her and all the rest of the years to come.

But morning came and he already feels the pool of nervousness kick in, he felt his hands already shake even by the thought. 'Come on Beomgyu pull yourself together' he told himself. He got out of his bed, and walked up to the nearest mirror and ruffled his hair.

He stood and looked at his reflection for awhile and noticed the changes in his appearance from the last few weeks. The bags under his eyes are non existent, his skin is less pale, and his posture is more straight, he's never felt more alive.

He found a smile on his face after noticing, he felt like he accomplished something great and he did. He stopped looking at himself and went to get ready for the day throwing on a decent outfit to hopefully get his chances up after taking a hot shower.

Downstairs in the house Jihyun was shovelling her breakfast in her mouth trying to eat something quickly so she could make plans for tonight. She loved New Years, the fireworks and most importantly family. Unfortunately this year her family wasn't here but instead she had someone better, Beomgyu.

They had gotten so close in the past months it never fails to surprise her, she's thankful though. He meant a lot to her, he's helped her through tough times and same goes the other way around. He was so understanding and it made her become so comfortable around him so quickly.

Tonight she was hoping she could take him to the nearby park where they would do a full show filled with music and fireworks. She's never been before but from what she's heard it was meant to be amazing and she wanted to have this experience with Beomgyu.

Speaking of Beomgyu she could hear his footsteps running down the stairs something that is pretty common for him to do now. "Good morning~" he sang out and practically jumped onto the seat next to her. "Good morning to you too" Jihyun tried to give him the same enthusiasm but it honestly felt impossible to top.

"I made plans for us for tonight" Jihyun told Beomgyu causing Beomgyu to freeze for a second trying to figure out how he's going to continue with his plan. "Oh okay, what are we going to do?" He asks "surprise" she answers and taps her nose.

It was now night and Jihyun had Beomgyu walking down the street to somewhere he doesn't know. "So are you going to tell me now?" He questions but doesn't get a response as Jihyun was still dragging him. He heard faint music suddenly become louder as they approached a place covered with bright lights.

"What is this?" He points to the area "it's a new year festival thing" she finally responds and Beomgyu was amazed and kinda scared at the same time he has never been around this many people before, it was absolutely crowded.

"Are you okay?" Jihyun asks him already noticing the change of his expression. "Yeah but I've never been around so many people" he replies, Jihyun nods understandably and looks around for a bit. "Hey come with me" she takes his hand and gives it a squeeze and pulls him away and up a nearby hill.

The two made it to the top and sat down facing the crowd who were dancing to the music with the big countdown in front of them. There was around five minutes left until it was the first of January and Beomgyu decided it was time to do what he promised to do.

"Hey Jihyun" he said to gain her attention which it did. "Yes?" Beomgyu took a deep breath and tried to remember the mini script he made inside of his head. "After the last few months we've known each other, I felt something new and at first it was weird and scary but now I've grown more comfortable in it"

"You've made me into a better person and made me believe that not all people are bad. You've seen me at my worse and didn't walk away and pulled me back up, thank you for that"

"But that's not the point of this what I meant to say is that, I love you Jihyun. I know it's not been long but I truly believe this is love." He ends his speech and Jihyun was speechless. "Beomgyu, I love you too" she responds to him.

"Three, two, one, happy new year!" The crowd shouted. Beomgyu leaned in and connected their lips in a kiss. "Happy new year" he whispers to her.

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