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The next morning Jihyun woke up with an arm wrapped around her. She was confused and turned around only to become face to face with the handsome boy. Memories of last night came flooding in her head and she could feel her cheeks turn red at the thought.

But something that worries her is that they will be awkward and their relationship will be ruined. Jihyun carefully got out of bed making sure not to wake up the sleeping boy. She left the room and quietly walked down the stairs into the kitchen to make a small breakfast for them.

She couldn't cook much, and on mornings like this she'd usually just have a breakfast bar or something but she wanted something good for Beomgyu's first day staying here. She wanted him to feel welcomed, she made porridge and got some strawberries for the side.

If Jihyun was being honest she was glad that Beomgyu was here, glad to have company, glad to have someone she could share her worries and fears with. There was already an understanding between the two, an understanding that would take months or even years for other people to develop.

From a distance she could hear footsteps coming down the stairs, she whipped her head around and locked eyes with a sleepy pair of eyes. "Good morning" he grumbled out, his voice gritty evidence that he had just woken up. "What are you doing?" He asks Jihyun as she was walking around the kitchen trying to figure out where she put things.

"I just finished making us breakfast, here eat" she put the bowl of porridge in front of him and his mouth watered from the sight. Beomgyu never usually ate breakfast (eat your breakfast kids it's actually very important) and if he did it was always just a cereal bar.

He took the bowl and put some of the strawberries into it and started to eat. He focused less on the food for a bit and noticed Jihyun still in front of him. She had messy hair and no make up and to him she looked perfect.

He meant what he said last night, he thought she was beautiful not only her looks but her personality too. Jihyun didn't notice him staring and just continued to eat the food she had made she looked up and they locked eyes "what is there something on my face?" Sh asks

"N-no your face is perfectly fine" Beomgyu says awkwardly he felt the awkwardness grow a bit so he decided to change the topic. "Are you doing anything today?" He asks her "I might go out shopping for a bit but that's probably it, we could watch a movie if you want tonight"

"A movie would be nice" he smiled at the girl in front of him "when are you going to go out? If you want I can stay and cook dinner or lunch?" He offers her "I'm planning on going out at 3pm and you don't have to"

"I'm doing it okay, you can go out and have fun. Plus how else am I meant to repay you for this breakfast?" He asks in a smug like manner and raises and eyebrow at the girl in front of him. "Okay fine you can, I won't be out for too long"

~2 hours later~ (ew time skip (I know))

Jihyun came back with bags of shopping, Beomgyu tried to come and help her but she quickly put a hand up telling that she was fine. She ran up stairs and shoved the bags into the nearest wardrobe to hide them all.

She came back running down stairs and went to find Beomgyu who was now sitting on the sofa in the living room "I thought you said you wouldn't take long?" Beomgyu mocks her a bit causing her to scoff "two hours isn't long for a lady"

The continued to bicker a bit and stopped as an alarm was heard. "The food must be ready" Beomgyu got up and went to go serve it. "What did you make?" Jihyun trailed behind him. He spun around and held what he made "pizza!" He shouts and then laughs loudly which made Jihyun start laughing too even though she didn't know why.

They ate and made small talk whilst doing so, asking each other basic questions like their favourite colour, flower, animal. Just trying to know each other better. They finished and went to the living room to watch a movie like Jihyun suggested earlier.

When they sat down they sat just close enough that their thighs were touching. Jihyun felt the warmth spread through her body shivering a bit by it. They picked a movie and sat in silence as it played, the longer it was on for the closer in felt like they were getting.

And soon they were shoulder to shoulder, this made Jihyun wonder about last night. Does he remember? Did he mean it? And most importantly does he like her? The questions swirled around her heard in circles and she couldn't focus on the movie.

She then felt a head on her shoulder, she turned and looked at the older boy who had fallen asleep on her shoulder 'the movie must have been boring then' she told herself and chuckled a bit. She couldn't help but admire his face, how was someone born so beautiful?

She didn't have the guts to wake him up and to be honest she couldn't be bothered to move herself. So she grabbed the nearest blanket and put it around the two of them, slowly she leaned her head against his and felt herself drift away into dreamland.

I hate this new wattpad update :(
Also my love for Kang Taehyun has just risen 📈
How can that boi be so soft and then-
I'll stop but seriously I stan the right boys

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