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A few weeks have past and Jihyun hasn't spoke and tried not to look at Beomgyu as much as possible. It came to a pint where she was taking extra precaution to avoid him. He had such a big impact on her and she hasn't even know him for longer than a month.

She started to worry about him though, she knew there was something up about him. No one acts like a complete asshole or is that insecure for no reason. She thought about the night where she first met him 'maybe he has out of school bullies?' She thought.

'No, well maybe or he could just be apart of a gang that sort of makes sense, he fights and I saw him with cuts. He probably got attacked' she concluded in her mind hoping that it would help her not to think about him anymore 'please get out of my head'.

While she was stuck in her thoughts she didn't notice a presence beside her evaluating her face wondering what she was thinking about. "A penny for your thoughts" the person voice knocked her out of her trail of thoughts and it felt like they were thrown on the floor.

Jihyun lifted her head and made eye contact with the taller boy who seemed to get taller every single time she saw him. "It's nothing" she brushed it off and starts to walk quicker the person with her starts walking quicker to catch up witch her pace.

"Are you sure I've never seen you so out of it in my life and I've known you since you were 5" Jihyun let out a sigh this boy really did know her like the back of his own hand and she knows him the same and it's all because of their parents being friends and them being neighbours.

"Soobin you understand boys right?" Jihyun asked him causing soobin to laugh "well I hope so" he giggles showing off his very visible dimples that she wanted to poke every time she saw them, I mean who doesn't they're irresistible.

Jihyun has known soobin since she was 5, he was 5 too when they met however he was born the year before but they only have about a seven month age gap. Jihyun had grown a little crush on soobin over all the years she's known him, it was never a huge crush but the feelings have always been there.

Her and soobin both come from quite wealthy families and can both relate on things like their parents not being there most of the time so they've both grown pretty independent but also taking advice and help from each other working as a team.

"What is it? You have a crush on someone?" He teased a bit poking her shoulders "no, not at all" 'I think' she thought the last part. "C'mon Jihyun tell me I can't read your mind" he nagged her. "Well there is this boy at my school and he is quite ruff and whenever I try to help him he pushed me away" Jihyun explains.

Soobin seemed to also think for a bit before turning back to Jihyun "how long has he been like this?" He asks her "I don't know but apparently it's not new"

"He's probably just one of those guys who doesn't like getting help, probably just has too much pride" soobin said but yet it just didn't sit well with Jihyun something inside her was telling her that, that wasn't the answer and that it's something way more serious.

Again Jihyun was stuck in her thoughts for the rest of the walk "hey Jihyun we're at your school" soobin shook her a bit and pointed to the building in front of them "have a good day at school okay" he says to her waving good bye.

"Okay and you have a good day at college" oh yeah I forgot to tell you soobin was now a freshman at college so he had an even further walk to go.

"I will bye oh and don't think about that boy too much I should be the only one on your mind" he winks and starts to walk away leaving Jihyun in a blushing mess.

Damn we on a role here also I have no idea what I'm gonna do about soobin that was an in the moment writing thing and wasn't on my plan so I need to go and make some more soobin moments now :/ there will be no soobin moments in the next five chapters just saying cause they've already been written :)

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