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Beomgyu walked out of his class and made his way along the corridors quickly hoping that he can get home before his father does but on his way he notices Jihyun by her locker alone. He marks the pros and cons of going to talk to her and decided it was now or never.

He timidly approached her making sure not to drag too much attention on himself. "Hey" he says quietly but just loud enough for Jihyun to notice him. She glances up at the taller boy and widens her eyes when her eyes meets his, she just thought it was Jeongin or Daehwi.

She quickly brought herself to the realisation that she was staring and quickly shook her head. "What do you want?" She lets out roughly trying to make it seem like she didn't want the boy there. "I-i just came t-to apologies" Beomgyu stutters.

"To apologise for what I said to you, I'm also sorry that this apology took so long to come to you, I feel silly I hope you can forgive me" beomgyu had to stop himself from saying too much but he was still proud he managed to bring the amount of confidence to apologise in the first place.

"Well it's a month overdue but I'll give it some thought" Jihyun responds but Beomgyu liking his new confidence kept on pushing "please forgive me Jihyun, I really didn't mean to offend you I should've never had made any assumptions of your life"

"Fine I forgive you but you need to tell me why you are like how you are and what the hell happened a month ago" she points at Beomgyu. He stood there still for a while not sure if he should accept, he's never opened up to anybody so why should he open up to her?

Why? Because even though he's only known her for a month and a bit he already feels like he could trust her and call him desperate but he already feels himself becoming used to her and already feeling the need to be around her.

"Okay... I'll tell you about what was going on and about me" he nods his head to make it seem more official. "Wow I never actually thought you'd agree um well do you want to do it now?" Jihyun asks the taller boy. "I don't mind but can we not do it here.."

"It just feels like anyone can listen in" he explains himself. "Yeah that's perfectly fine" Jihyun takes Beomgyu by the hand without realising what she did and dragged him out of the school. Beomgyu didn't even pay attention to where she was taking them he was too taken back and flustered by them holding hands.

"Do you feel comfortable here?" Jihyun asked. Beomgyu brought himself back into reality and checked their surroundings. They were in a quiet park on the good side of town. It was covered with icy grass but the seats still remained suitable to sit on.

Beomgyu modded his head and Jihyun started to make her way to a bench and Beomgyu followed. They sat in front of a small lack covered in ice. It was a calming sight especially for Beomgyu and he knew that after this he'd be visiting this place more.

But he couldn't even focus on how beautiful the surroundings were, how beautiful the girl in front of him was- wait what? He quickly shook his head and tried to cover up the fact that he thought of that. The last thing he needs right now is to catch feelings.

"You can take your time, no rush" Jihyun tried to sooth him. Beomgyu finds himself fidgeting with his fingers as he thinks of where to start. "Well to begin my dad has anger issues and my mum likes to trigger them" he starts feeling some weight on his shoulders being lifted already.

"He's always shouted at me, my dad. He's always told me how worthless I am, but that night you found me on the street." Beomgyu stopped feeling tears enter his eyes he tried to push them back not wanting to cry in front of the girl in front of him.

"That's night that I found you on the street? What happened?" Jihyun urges him to continue "he became physical, he had never been physical before but there was glass and he was extra mad and he hit me so hard I fell right into the glass" Beomgyu admits and feels the waves of hot tears roll down his face.

"A-and-" he tries to continue but Jihyun stops him "shh it's okay you don't need to say anymore I get it" she starts to try and sooth him wiping his tears away with her thumb and caressing his face.

Beomgyu felt something he's never felt before, he felt like he belonged somewhere, he felt like he was home.

An earlier chapter today :)
I'm now going to bed earlier so my chapters will probably be posted in the morning (for me)
Instead of night

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