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Jihyun managed to get home from school before the sun set, she was proud of herself and also thank full that she didn't have to walk in the dark especially alone. She was just sitting in the sofa reading a book when a knock on the door was heard.

She got up and was excited the thought about it maybe being Beomgyu made her smile and when she opened the door her smile drops a bit. She then slaps herself mentally as Beomgyu doesn't even know where she lives or even what part of the city. "Hey soobin what are you doing here?"

He sends her a smile making his dimples pop out "just here to hang out like the old times" Jihyun nods and smiles trying to hide her disappointment. "Oh well come in" she opens the door more welcoming him into the house.

"So are your parents here?" Soobin asks whilst walking into the house "no they've been away for months but I haven't heard anything from them, what about yours?" She asks back walking behind him into the main area of the house, (where the kitchen and living room is and stuff)

"Same I think our parents went together" he answers and takes a seat and Jihyun follows by sitting down on the seat in front. "Have you heard anything from them?" Jihyun asks again hoping that he has just so she knows that they are safe. "I got a text a week ago but that's it"

The two continued to talk for a while, checking up on each other and remembering old memories giving them a strong feeling of nostalgia. Soobin gets up out of nowhere and starts to make his way to the kitchen. "What are you doing?" Jihyun runs up behind him to check.

"I'm going to cook is dinner, I'm hungry and I assume you are too, you are right?" He asks her. "I guess but you could've asked first instead of just getting up and anyway what are you going to cook?" Jihyun went and sat on one of the stools whilst watching the older boy search the kitchen for ingredients.

"How about kimchi fried rice, you have all the ingredients, oh and we can also have ramen with it!" Soobin says taking out all the stuff he's need to cook it. "Yeah that's fine and I'm guessing you want bread for desert?"
Jihyun jokes which causes Soobin to let out a little chuckle.

"Yes of course" he sends her a wink and Jihyun let's out a loud laugh. "So how are things going with that boy?" Soobin asks whilst starting to cook dinner for the two of them.

Jihyun finds herself smiling a bit just a thought of him "things are going fine, he opened up to me but he's still very awkward but get it'll take time to wear off" Jihyun explains. "So what was the problem with him?" Jihyun thought for a while if she should answer the question.

"You see soobin I don't know if I can tell you, I mean I didn't tell my school friends for many reasons and because they could easily spread it to everyone at school but you're not in high school anymore but I still feel like it's not my business to tell you" Jihyun went on a mini rant trying to explain herself.

"I get it I should stick my nose into something that isn't my business" he responds to her "hey can you put the ramen on for me?" Soobin asks "yes give me a sec" Jihyun ran to the stove and turned it on.

She brought out a pot, filled it with water and placed it on the stove then grabbed the pack of ramen (ramen instructions lol, I make ramen a lot)
They continued to cook for a little while making little bits of conversation, him asking more about her school and social life and her asking him the same.

"So how did you get him to open up?" Soobin asks as they sat down at the table to start eating their dinner. "Well he lashed out at me again and came to apologise and I said I wouldn't forgive him unless he told what was going on"

"So you technically blackmailed him" Soobin says making Jihyun choke, Soobin ran towards her to help with wide eyes "sorry I shouldn't have said that" he apologised to her, she sends him a small glare "I wouldn't call it blackmail and he didn't have to tell me" she explains.

They age their food in a comfortable silence after that and when they were finished cooking they cleaned up and Soobin left the house. Jihyun waved him goodbye and when he left she leaned on the door and let out a sigh "damn that man can be exhausting sometimes"

Okay so I think I know what I'm doing now, but I'm still unsure of how long this fanfic is going to be :/

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