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"You are staying here and that's it" Jihyun told Beomgyu who was protesting against it. "But I don't want to bother you-" he got cut off "I'm not letting you go back to that toxic household, you are staying here" Beomgyu knee that she wasn't going to take no as an answer so he agreed.

"Okay to warm you up, you can take a shower, which is there and your room is right here. It's next to mine so if you have any problems just tell me" she showed Beomgyu around the house making sure he felt comfortable in his surroundings.

"Thank you again Jihyun" Beomgyu thanks the girl for the millionth time. Jihyun left for her room to get ready for bed whilst Beomgyu went into the guest room amazed with the size of the place. He quickly went for a shower, he felt all his muscles relax and didn't feel as cold anymore.

When he got into bed he was in awe with the comfort on it, it was so different from his hard stone mattress he had in his house. He was trying to sleep when he heard thunder and lightning outside and then followed by a screech coming from next door.

Beomgyu sat up straight away and waited for a little while until thunder was heard again. This time the screech was louder and he was able to make out that it was Jihyun screeching. He got out of bed and made his way to Jihyun's room.

He leaned on the door and knocked on it using his knuckles "hey Jihyun are you alright?" He asked "ye-" she cut herself off with a scream. "I'm coming in" Beomgyu entered her room and immediately noticed how clean it was. He walked towards her bed and stood in front of her.

"Is it okay if I sit?" He asks and points to the edge of the bed "yeah that's fine" Beomgyu took a seat at the end of the bed and at the angle he managed to get a clear view of Jihyun's face.

He noticed tear marks left on her face with a few tears still running down "I'm guessing you're scared of thunder and lightning?" He asked "a bit I'm fine you didn't need to check on me" she answered even though she knew Beomgyu wouldn't believe that. "It's meant to be like this all night, are you sure you want me to leave?"

"Yeah it's fine" Beomgyu rose from the bed but a hand caught his wrist "I didn't mean it please stay" Jihyun said timidly feeling shy with his strong gaze on her. "Okay do you want me to sleep on the floor next to you?"

"No you can sleep on the bed with me if you want, I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable on your first night here" she apologises. Beomgyu got into bed next to her "it's fine you've done so much for me this is the least I can do" he turns to face her.

She also turns and faces him, whilst doing that some of her hair fell onto her face. Beomgyu pushed the hair behind her ears and they stared into each other's eyes for a while ignoring the thunder outside and the rain crashing down in the window.

Beomgyu's hand never left her face and he left it below her chin with his thumb caressing her cheek. "You're so beautiful you know that?" He says and durning this moment Jihyun swore she could see sparks fly through his eyes. When time continued they gradually became closer to each other.

Both mentally and physically, from the past few months and right now as their faces are centimetres apart until Beomgyu broke it connecting their lips and bringing them into a kiss. The kiss was filled with longing and passion. Time felt like it stopped and they only separated for air.

They said nothing afterwords still unsure of what happened but not completely concerned either. It didn't last long as both of their bodies began to fall asleep and they were both out like a light. That night was full of questions to be answered and only time will tell if they will be.

Oooooohhh the progress ;)
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