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Beomgyu pulls out his phone and checks the time, it read '17:24' "oh I'm sorry I should go" he says a little panicked from his parents reaction for him coming in home late. "Okay but hand me your phone over" Jihyun puts her hand out for him to hand it over.

"Okay but why?" He gives the girl his phone and she starts typing "I'm putting my number in, so if you even need someone to talk to you can always call or text me" she explains and Beomgyu found a small smile spread on his face.

Jihyun types in her name as 'jiji <3' and took a quick selfie for the profile. She smiled to herself when she saw the finishing project. "Here" she hands his phone back and he checks what she did. "Jiji? Is that a nickname?" He asks catching jihyun off guard because she thought he'd ask him about the heart.

"Oh yeah one of my old friends calls me it" she tells him "ah okay well anyway I should go" he waves and starts to walk away "remember Beomgyu you can always come to me!" She shouts to him making his ears turn a shade of red.

Jihyun laughs at it and starts to walk home and starts to think about the boy immediately. She was surprised he had such a traumatic home life and she really wants to help him out of it but she wants him to come to her for that.

She was too into her thoughts that she didn't realise the boy creeping up behind her. "Boo!" He shouts and shakes her "ah!" She screeches and turns around to start hitting the person "woah calm down" he grabs her arm to stop her from hitting him.

"Soobin what the hell?!" She shouts at him placing a hand on her rapid heart.
"Well I saw you walking this way so I thought I'd surprise you" he says like it was no big deal and he didn't just scare the soul out of Jihyun. "Well don't do that again because I seriously thought you were a robber or something" she whines.

"Aw poor Jiji was scared" he teases and starts poking her to add to it. "Stop it" she starts to run to get away from the gigantic boy. "Hey get back here" he starts chasing her and it didn't take long for him to catch up.

"Fine i won't bother you like that let's just walk home together, okay?" He asks. "Okay but let's hurry up, it's already dark" Jihyun's words makes her look up on the already gloomy sky it was covered in clouds but you could see little peeks of the moon coming out.

"Well you just need to keep up" soobin says making his pace a bit quicker and harder for Jihyun to keep up with. "Hey soobin you said you wouldn't tease me" Jihyun buffs and runs up to catch up with the older boy.

"I don't know what you are talking about I'm just walking normally" he plays it off "well walk slower" Jihyun told him "it doesn't matter anymore we're home anyway" he points to the houses in front of them showing that they were indeed home. "Woah we got her fast" Jihyun gasped

"And it's all because of me" soobin praises himself earning a slap on the arm from Jihyun "hey!" Soobin exclaimed. "What? I slipped" Jihyun teased and started to walk to her driveway ignoring the boys complaints from behind her.

"I'll see you again soon right?" He asks when she reaches her door. "If fate wants that then yes, if not no." Jihyun says and walks in shutting the door not even giving the older boy a good bye or hug but that's just how they were. As you can tell Jihyun is a big believer in fate and stuff like that. She believes if people are meant to be it'll work not and if not then it won't, simple.

She walked into her living room and slouched on the over priced couch, "tch why is everything in here so overly expensive" she complains and looks around the high class area not impressed.

She pulled out her phone and her frown turned up into a smile to quickly to even register.

Unknown: 'good night, sleep well'

'thank you, good night to you :Jiji <3

Gyu: ...
Gyu: ..
Gyu: .

Jihyun wondered what Beomgyu was going to say and felt herself wanting to ask but she didn't want to push anything.

Whereas for Beomgyu he was nervous to even send the first message, he was pacing his room wondering if he said anything wrong and was completely put off by sending a over message because he didn't want to come off as desperate.

"She doesn't think I'm desperate, right?"

Good morning~
Or good night just depends where you are
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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